The Daily Meme #450!


IF you care to know why, dear reader, it will take more reading on your part.

Read a book.

Are you are tired of paying your masters to bomb children in far away places?
Perhaps it is time you pushed back on that.
A simple way that anybody can do that is to hoard your coins.
A dollar of change in your pocket is a dollar of value out of the banksters' pockets that force us to pay them so they can play in the amusement parks from hell and shop in the human grocery stores.
'Aint that fresh?'

Metal in your own possession will always have more intrinsic value than digits on a bankster's ledger.

That is all, for now, you may resume your otherwise mundane day.
To contest the characterization of your day as mundane, make a post of your own explaining why your day is not mundane and ping me, eh?

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everyone should know that to rule by force is just wrong..

Yet, that is what every gov't on the planet does and people are in favor of it, mostly.

yup. 😞

Rule by force anywhere in the world will come to an end eventually.

We get as much tyranny as we tolerate.
It's easy to decree 'off with their heads' when it's not you doing the actual offing.
IF we replace this set of offers with the new set of offers we only get worse.

IF we replace this set of offers with the new set of offers we only get worse

In democracy, we replace them few years in a row, however we can't find the best.

I think quite a few people start out with good intentions but quickly get drawn up into the system.

Pretty hard not to get caught up in a system that offers no alternatives.

Unless your Trump, than you are good to go....haha.

People that seek power over others is the last people you want to give it to, imo.