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RE: Reddit

in #reddit11 months ago (edited)


Looks like DeSo will at least try to do more than just talk.

Why don't you also put your words into something tangible.

What is the DHF for...
Other then to pay coders stuck in "BUILDING". Coders like @vaultec that claim 3SPK new look ready for months but instead he starts a new proposal to funnel more money out for his VSC IDEA.

YOU HIVE WHALES got to see the writting on the wall. You can't syphon money indefinitely.

Both web2 is catching and Ai will ruffle feathers in "web3".

All while Hive has had YEARS to make something for users beyond just blogging.

Can't even get video working right.

Where posh pets too?

@theycallmedan where's RAGNAROK ?

Nothing but bullshit from you clowns.