How To Survive A Failed Relationship

We human are gregarious (social) creatures. We always seek out the companion of others. Sometimes these can lead in to romantic relationships that seemingly will last forever. Sometimes, they do; other times, they don't.

When relationships break up, one or both parties might be terribly hurt. More often than not, a failed relationship can affect us through our emotions and self-esteem. This piece is a guide to helping us survive a failed relationship

1. It's Isn't Entirely Your Fault (Or Your Partners Fault).

Sometimes, when we think about our failed relationships, we often look for someone to blame. It's human nature to always blame someone, ourselves or others, for unfortunate events that happen to us. However, that isn't always right.

There are times a relationship hits the rock, not because of our own making but due to circumstances beyond our control. We are but humans, we cannot control everything that happens to us. In fact, there are situations where the relationship is doomed to fail from the very beginning. In times like that, it's nobody's fault.

There are also times where a partner is responsible for the end of the relationship; that could be you. But you should remember it takes two to tangle (and untangle). While you might be responsible, you shouldn't be too hard on yourself. Why? Because...

2. A Failed Relationship Sometimes Reveals Who You Are

If you're major responsible for a failed relationship, it probably means some things weren't working out for you. It's easy to see someone attractive and imagine entering a relationship would be the best move. You should know that not everyone is compatible with you (in terms of a relationship). Some people are supposed to remain friends.

The goal here is to reflect on why you wanted out of the relationship. In doing this, it's helpful to consider the high points of the relationship, the things you really enjoyed; and the low points of the relationship, the reasons you could stay in the relationship. Combining these two together, the things you enjoyed and the things you didn't, will give you an idea of who you are and what you want in a relationship.

3. Move On

Although many people talking about moving on, only a few actually do. Some people can spend a great extent of their lives checking on their ex-partners. Of course, one can be friends with his or her ex-partner. The point here is to realize and accept that the relationship is ended.

The extreme opposite of this is to jump into another relationship at once. This isn't advisable either. After the end of a relationship, you should take some time out to heal. Even if you're the one that ended the relationship, you still need to give yourself some time to get your emotions together.

If you have any other tip, kindly share in the comment section below

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