Moses was born in Eygpt...was prophecied to set his people free... so the Pharaoh had all the newborn boys murdered...
Moses mother caught wind of this and had made a basket and put pitch on it and told his sister to take Moses to the river Nile and put him in the basket in the reeds and make sure that the sister of the Pharaoh saw the basket as she came down to wash in the Nile...she did as her mother told her and Moses was saved... and his sister said there is a Hebrew woman who could nurse your son for was Moses blessed of Yahweh!!!
As the sister of the Pharaoh claimed Moses as her son... He was loved by all people except his stepbrother pharaoh's son who was the true heir to the throne but the Pharaoh knew this not...Pharaoh was about to have Moses to be Pharaoh tell his stepbrother had him found out to be a Hebrew slave and banished him from Egypt...
After being banished Moses came to Mount Sinai and witness his purpose to set the Hebrew people free from bondage...
Then he went to Pharaoh and said, "Yahweh says "let my people go'"Pharaoh didn't believe in Yahweh and only in his G-ds and G-ddesses and Yahweh put plagues upon the Egyptian people till Pharaoh let the Hebrew people go...
After the Hebrew people were let go they went to Mount Sinai and Moses was given the Ten Commandments...
But the people thought Moses was dead and build them an idol of a golden calf like the Egyptian's had and planned to go back to Eygpt and they sinned Moses broke the tables and said, " you don't deserve the commandments of Yahweh" the people were sorry for their sins and ask Moses to help them so Moses interceded for the people and asked Yahweh to forgive their sins and Yahweh had Moses write the Ten Commandments and bring it to the people on tables and the people of Israel were lead to the promise land after 40 years in the wilderness...
We are to worship only Yahweh our heavenly Father... not any gods before him...
We are to not make any graven image,(idol) and worship it or call it G-d...
We are not supposed to misuse the name of Yahweh our Father by calling him G-d or Lord...yuck!!!
We are to keep the sabbath day to keep it holy (Saturday)...
We are to respect our Fathers and mothers to have a long life upon this earth...
We are not to suppose to kill anyone...
We are not supposed to commit adultery...
We are not supposed to steal...
We are not supposed to lie about anything...
We are not supposed to want our neighbor's house, wife or our neighbor as ourselves...
EXODUS 20:3-17
*1. Thou shalt not have any gods before me
*2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any idols,(of the sky, earth, or sea)
*3. Thou shalt not misuse the name of Yahweh your Father,(call him G-d or Lord)
*4. Keep the Sabbath Day to keep it holy(Saturday)NO WORK for you or family, animal, or stranger in your gate,(home)
*5. Respect your Father and Mother and your days will be long upon the earth what Yahweh your Father is giving you
*6. Thou shalt not kill,(murder)anyone...
*7. Thou shalt not commit adultery
*8. Thou shalt not steal
*9. Thou shalt not lie(against thy neighbor)
*10. Thou shalt not covet thou neighbors house, wife or possessions,(not anything)...
very satisfying, I really like your post.
Thank you and Yahweh bless you!!!
Thanks for this for sure
Yahweh blesses you thank you!!!
I did not give you a donation of twice $0.200 sbd and it was supposed to be for upvotes and the like... I don't know what link I'm supposed to put in memo could use help there if you could help me, please??? @refresh !!!