Did God allow Rome and England to deceive the Whole World?

in #religion5 years ago

So what is the Truth, the Whole Truth and nothing but the Truth so help me God...? Which God or is there just one God to the Jew and Yew the Gentile?

"If thou Believe in On God alone thou doest Good/Well..."

Strange it does not Specify a name...nor the Name Jesus?

Can Satan Devils and Demons get into Heaven and escape Hell if they too just believe full of Faith whatever it is that the Catholics Believe... What matters the name if the Spirit beneath the Label is not Good, gone bad, or full of Poison?

Can a Person do what God has said to do, to be called a Son or Daughter by their Creator...doing the goodwill of God, Our Father according to what his Son says? The firstborn of many Brethren according to both of their Testimonies?

How many Fig Trees need to be cut down and thrown into the fire for being empty of any good fruit to eat. Told to believe and believing, that the way to save yourselves from Hell...being tortured for eternity and burned alive...

Is to bend the knee to Rome and their False Idol...The Image they gave the Name of the Son of Man. And then pay the Mother Church 10% of your life's wages. Only then, will your Sins be forgiven? Sin = Works... Good works that serve others...

The Teaching of the Preaching according to the Messiah is... The Goodwill of the God YHWH, the God, and Father of All People and things ls..., the God and Father of Jews and Gentiles are...

Is the Focus on saving yourself by believing a narrative/private Interpretation or by following in the Footsteps of the Jews that became Disciples then Apostles...

No one goes to prison because their Works were not good enough or not perfect. People go to Jail and Prison because their Works, actions, Deeds were Bad or Evil. Did they break the law because... they were Ignorant?

Hated instead of loved, allowed the Carnal fruit to control them?

How many times did Jesus say you must Worship and Praise him...? How many times does Jesus say he was sent by God? How many times does he say he is God and to bend your knee to worship and Praise him as the Master of the Universe?

How many Tares are planted amongst the Wheatfield?
What is the Wheatfield, the Old Wineskin, the Old Cloth, the New Cloth, the New Wine, the Tares, the Enemy that came in the Night, the enemy of Who and of what?
What knowledge do the People suffer from that they lack?
What does Jesus say about the Keeping of the Commandments, the Golden Rule, and the Rod of Order?
What did the Romans do with all the Scrolls and Books they failed to fit into the Bible?
What do the Apostles and the Disciples Preach, Teach, and Practice, Daily?
What does Jesus say to Test?
What does the Holy Spirit Teach? Who sends it? Who does it come from? Who does the goodwill of Jesus?
Who does the Illwill of Satan? How then is Jesus the God in Control?
Is the following keeping and obeying, not the goodwill and the Practice of Disciples of the Messiah?
Which God says, My Will is that you Love one Another?
Which did God say, "that Satan is the Greatest of Enemies", "Fear Evil", "God wants Prayer Warriors", "God needs your Help...?" or "Love your enemies and your Friends"?
What does the Spirit of the Comforter do, who sends it, why is it not also a God?
What Gods did the Romans worship and Praise before Constantine changed the name to Jesus?
Did God allow Rome and England to deceive the Whole World?
Etc. Etc. Etc.