Jesus is the name given to the 1 standing on his right

in #religion5 years ago

I am so glad that the Masons, the ones that believe in the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of humankind, our Founding Fathers, created the Constitution and this Republic. Where All People have freedom of religion and freedom from religion.

Where finally, the children of God; are free to believe as Philip, Baptized the Eunuch with, saying: you must believe in your heart and confess with your lips that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. Speaking Spiritually, the Lord God and Father of Jesus the Christ the Son of God and of all the Jews and Gentiles is OUR FATHER, not the Pope nor his Priesthood.

Jesus tells the Disciples/Christians as of Antioch, do not call yourself Fathers. For you are all my brothers and sisters. And we all have but 1 Father Lord King Owner Master and God, and he is in heaven.

Jesus is the name given to the 1 standing on his right.

Now hopefully the other 3 religions, Judaism Christianity and Islam, will obey the laws keep the commands and follow the golden rule. And stop killing everyone that believes Jesus is the Son of God the Christ in the flesh.

Let there be peace on earth and goodwill to all heaven on earth.

That should be the measure and test of any religion. How does it affect the living and does it bring peace?

The Test of Jesus is, is he the God of War the King of Fear the Greatest Enemy of everyone that refuses to worship his graven image? Or is he the Prince of Peace with a Lord a King a Master an Owner a Father and a God that he loves and that loves him that he is standing on the right-hand side of.

The one that asked him to go, and he said no but went anyway, that sent him and called him Son and calls us his Sons and Daughters if we but do his will and love one another.

Do not follow the Bible. The Torah is the Old Wine. Do not take the New Wine of the Gospel and add it to the old Wineskin of the Torah. Do not take the New Cloth of the Gospel and use it as a Patch on the Old Cloth, the Torah.

The Gospel is the Wheatfield that the enemy of the Son of God added Tares to the wheat. Tares look exactly like wheat when young. The wheat is the many the tares are the few. Rightly divide the word, the wheat from the tares, the good from the bad, and then multiply the good.

Christianity, the Enemy of the Son of God wants you to believe the Bible was written by God and that he was the one that threw out all the other books; conflicting opinions, interpretations then added the letters of Paul with a few editings and mixing of the order of them.

Ever notice the cherry-picking, with scriptures used to disprove scriptures, that in itself says the bible is wrong and contains errors just as the Muslims have complained and rejected the Gospel wholeheartedly much to their shame and chagrin.

If Christ is barren of any word spoken then we cannot say that he is even a prophet let alone the Christ of prophecy.