See Hear Understand and Perceive as if you to were not only a Christian but also a Disciple

in #religion5 years ago

Christians are being lied to and have been since Emperor Constantine added a CURSE to the good word in 325 AD.

That led to the Jews being expelled from Spain in 1492.

The Curse of Heresy, the so-called Unforgivable sin of denying Jesus as the DEITY instead of the God and Father of Jews and Yews, the Gentiles; the Creator. The Only one that knows the Time of the Son of God, the Son of Man, return. And is the One that sent him in the first place.

The One that Baptised him with his Holy Spirit, that is No God but is of God...the difference.

The People suffer from a lack of this Knowledge, of what the Messiah says and taught to the Jews, the Disciples, those that choose to follow and those that he chose to follow him, the Apostles.

Ask yourselves what did Jesus the Messiah, sent by God, the One Jesus calls Our Father..."Hear O Israel the Lord OUR God is One. Jesus the So of God and the Son of Man that calls us Fellow Servants with the Same Master above. Jesus, that calls us his Sisters and Brothers, because we all have the same Father in Heaven above.

Is it any wonder why the Romans, the Ruling Class would make of themselves the Holy Fathers of Man and God>? And would claim it Good to Worship Graven Images, in the Nicen Creed. Thus Breaking all the Commandments by Breaking One!@

Jesus the Name of the Son of Man given to an Image that is Worshiped as God. An Idol, like any other, praised and worshiped by the Priests of Rome. Like every other God that the Priest Know.

Everyone is a Child of God because God Our Heavenly Father is their Creator, just as every Bastard Child has a Father, Known or Unknown.

The desire to throw everyone into Hell and then exalt themselves as the Rulers of it by adding to and taking away from the Gospels. It should be very apparent to anyone that opens their own eyes and ears, hearts and minds. To everything that the Messiah, the Christ, not the God, is saying.

See Hear Understand and Perceive as if you to were not only a Christian but also a Disciple.

A Jew and a Yew that picks up their own Cross and follows after. Doing and Not Doing according to, the Good example and the Good word of the Best Man at the Feast. Believing full of Faith. He was Sent by the Same God of Abraham and Moses, even Elijah come again.

Believing that he is the High Priest of the Church that he built on the Rock of One God and Father of All. And the Son of God is the First of many Brethren. The Cornerstone and the Keystone Missing from the Churches of Mammon.