journey to Islam....

in #religion7 years ago

Just a little bit of brain storming and one can easily get to the crux of this topic....
can you think of anything better and true about a religion then these verses.......

the most beautiful feeling ever is to know our creator and sustainer....knowing the creator would give us a chance to communicate with him.... communicating with him would mean we would have the most powerful thing of the universe on our side.... our creator and sustainer is.

this is a great feeling.. to be able to counsel about our lord. indeed what could be better than being able to know our lord n sustainer and then proceed to communicate with Him.......

All humans are indebted to our Lord for all that we have. our needs in the form food or emotional or physical.... are all being provided by ALLAH. think about it , it is not all happening by itself. although we are being sustained and supported by ALALH at every breath of life... yet we are not thankful enough... not even thankful enough to just RECOGNIZE him as our sustainer.... however look at the generosity of Him... He is all forgiving.......

the more one is known to the power owner... the more one will be secure in life and succeed in life.ALLAH is all in all... Allah has no partner and no power sharer as well. a wise person will know this fact and bow in front of Allah.... a fool will live according to his own desires... although daily results are based on someone else"s desires. therefore lets all discover ALLAH and bow infront of him.......

we all need the help of our Lord somewhere in life ,every now and then. even to breath and stay alive is at the mercy of ALLAH... the govt does pay for our lungs or the oxygen... like wise the basic and secondary needs of all humans depend upon the will of ALLAH... lets know Him and put our our TRUST onto HIM....
unless we know our lord and communicate with him.... we will remain losers in this world and THE HERE AFTER.....

OUR LORD HAS COMMUNICATED WITH US THROUGH His LETTER/BOOK/MESSAGE... the Quran...... what does the Quran say........

any person with a little intellect will understand that every universal fact about the universe or the other creation ... cant happen all by itself... means that faith in our creator is actually a thanks giving to him for the wonderful things given to us..pls go over this video again again... leave your honest remarks,s o that we can brain storm to the truth...

pls leave your comments.....



Islam is the perfect religion for the entire humanity.

ALLAH help us all understand this.....

But still 99% Percentage of the terrorists comes from a religion and that preaches peace .Sometimes it's weird that the religion preachig peace gets the most violent...Something's Wrong.

its like saying that a person died after (over) eating... believe me the best of all Muslims and the first Muslim and the symbol of Islam.......Mohammad PBUH..... Just go through any book that tells you of all his life..... what is terrorism in the name of Islam? international politics, money games, fake religions, in-equality etc etc etc.... you should be wise enough to understand from here....

one relevant example for you to understand is the Kashmir issue... its NATIONALISM , fight over piece of land, result is gathering of sympathies of other Muslims ... all in the name of Islam ... yet for a personal cause....etcetc

But why only ISLAM is influenced by all this ?

the spirit of Islam is TRUE n FORCEFUL..... its an EXPERIENCE where by the energy level is high... it was to be utilized to reach out to the entire world, while keeping the spirit of PROPHETS in sight... i will give you an example the Holy Prophet PBUH came to finish the WRONG BELIEF and not the WRONG BELIEVERS... CAN YOU MAKE OUT THE DIFFERENCE...

Now you are sidelining that..
I believe ISLAM is Great but By Terrorising people what are you showing

SORRY COULDN'T MAKE MYSELF CLEAR....All religions preach... so does Islam... but Quran say s that neither you can force nor buy some one in to Islam... it has to volunteer...

Yes i do believe that
But ISLAM really needs to address the issue of that as later it would be stamped like all Terrorists are Muslims and vice versa

Yes i do believe that
But ISLAM really needs to address the issue of that as later it would be stamped like all Terrorists are Muslims and vice versa !