How to anticipate and prevent vacation rental booking cancellation

in #rental5 years ago

You will get a really good feeling after you have received a customer for your rental property. They have decided that they will book the property for their vacation. After some time you receive a call that they are canceling the reservation. This happens to all of the rental property owners but if this happens too often, you need to search for the cause of the booking cancellation. If the reason is not found quickly, you can start losing your loyal customers also. This can decrease the profitability of the rental property.

Customer data

Your first step should be to find out why people are canceling bookings. This can be done by simply asking the customers the reason for the cancellation. You should keep this data and compare the reasons you get often. By doing this regularly, you will get useful data about your weaknesses. You can later work on these weaknesses and turn them into your strengths.

Cancellation policy

Mostly the reason for the cancellation of the rental property booking is due to the improper cancellation policy. If you have less competition, you can collect the full payment in advance. If the competition is huge, you can collect a small non-refundable deposit. This will mostly resolve the issue and the cancellation of the bookings will reduce.

Market data

Being aware of the market situation is important. If you are getting many requests for booking cancellation, you need to see how the competitors are doing. If they are getting the same types of cancellation requests, you should completely rely on the customer data that you collected by yourself. If one of your competitors is doing better, you should check about the things they are doing differently. You can apply their tactics in your rental property. This will improve your business drastically. Interhome is a nice resource for market data so you can see this site for data of villas in Lanzarote and villas in Marbella.


Advertising good promotions to collect the advance payment can reduce the booking cancellation to a minimum level. You can mention in your advertisement that you will give your customers a 20% discount on the rental payment if they pay in advance. With this, you can mention that this payment is non-refundable. This clause should be mentioned in your rental contract. Giving a gift voucher for the local souvenir shop can also be a great idea if you want to get full advance payments.