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'Super-hawk’ John Bolton was always bizarre choice for Trump’s administration: report
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John Bolton is a dangerous maniac. As such he has always been a good Statist. The 'bizarre' element comes from the fact that Trump got himself elected by openly supporting, and surrounding himself with, men like Bolton. Many people like their Statism toned down, so that it's hypocrisy and ruthlessness, isn't, at least on the surface, quite so blatant. But then it's easy to forget how weary the public had become of the faux liberalism embodied in characters like Obama, Hilary Clinton et al.
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This, sadly, is what was so 'refreshing' about Trump's appearance on the political scene. Not that he was going to get to grips with the lies and deceit at the heart of the 'Swamp', but that he was going to proudly declare the 'Swamp' as something to aspire to and the creatures in it, like himself, as people to follow. Whilst that approach appealed in the short term as an antidote to the 'Obama/Hilary' effect it's been wearing thin as his tenure unfolds. People realize again that the Swamp is still actually a Swamp. Their Swamp in fact and it's starting to get a little embarrassing. Time for a makeover.
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Soon a new Swamp monster will appear. Somewhat smoother, somewhat more 'reasonable', slightly less mustachiod perhaps. Someone who can make the Swamp Monster in Chief look good. But underneath all the makeup it'll be the same old Statism working away to increase it's power relative to ours. It's not a pleasant thing to wake up next to ... we can either find a way to live with the lies or call them out for what they are ... genuine choice is at the heart of freedom ... and we'll never have it as long as these characters (however shiny their suits and 'Presidential' they appear) are holding a gun to our heads ...
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