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RE: Compute! (February 1989)

in #retrocomputing7 months ago

Early on, I just scanned the content pages and not the ads because I was only interested in the content (and ads usually carried over from month to month or mag to mag). I would scan the ad once and just slip it in when I saw it used in another issue. Some got mad because that is not the ad from that issue so I lost a lot of interest at that pettiness.

I was using a flat bed scanner too. I was dropping over 30+ hours a month on this type of thing and spending around $100 a month buying issues I didn't have and no one had preserved yet.

That was before I got into it hardcore and shortly after that, life got in the way of putting that much effort into a hobby so I stopped and moved over to promotion and working on deals with publishers. I was able to broker a couple video games like this over the years as well (and probably turned a few game owners into penny pinchers wanting money for a 30+ year old NES game they didn't even know they owned).

I cannot wait to see what you put together to showcase a Computer Shopper issue. That should be interesting as there is so much in each issue.