Hi, my name is Manu, im 18 Years old, from argentina and this year I started investing my savings. And like any normal person my goal is financial freedom 3:
I would like to use this blog to comment on the progress of these and know your opinions. I decided that with the first capital, diversify 50% in the merval (Argentina Stock market) and the other 50% in NFT Games, I started with one team of axie infinity, PVU :c and my favorite Rising Star 😍
If you are interested, in the next blog I will tell you why rising star is the best nft game of the moment and the one with the better future, I will only say that since I started playing it only gave me happiness and will continue to do so.
Bienvenido a este mundo broder, has tomado una muy buena decisión, te deseo lo mejor en este camino, y a por todo!!! Saludos!
Muchas gracias, se valora mucho el apoyo!
Hello @manuypapa ! This is @macchiata from the @OCD(Original Content Decentralized) team. Good luck on your investing journey. I hope you can get financial freedom soon!
I am leaving you some information that I want you to have a look:
If you have questions or concerns, you can hop into OCD's Discord server or you can tag @macchiata if you have further question. I'd be happy to help.