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RE: My Road To HiveFest - last minute, slightly nervous!

ah yeh Im doing the luton thing today. Not looking forward to that part, but here goes nothing!
might see you monday evening I guess? Good to know theres someone else about! :)
I'll be down near where it says Split-3 on google maps, but happy to stroll


We are on the 5:15 from Luton.
Might be on the same flight

ah dude, I only just saw this! I was actually on the wiz one which got delayed, but we totally could've hung out in the airport!
Its all been a bit of a stress so far (see my latest post) but I think Im finally settled. Im doing an online course until 5 but maybe we can catch up this evening? Im in the Split-3 area but happy to go wandering

I saw that whiz bang flight. Was confused by its take off so close to my easy jet. Who knew Split was such a popular destination 🤪
Yes, I’m sure a rendezvous this evening is in order.
We are in an Airbnb at the edge of this park at the tip of the Split peninsula.
The guy who rented to us said we are right next to the entrance of the non touristy side of the park.
So I must go check it out and behave almost like a local.

awesome. apparently theres a telegram group so Im genna try and get in on that. Theres a few Hivey Drifters knocking about could turn in to a pack
There ya go bud, the pack awaits

thanks man.
Im genna get ready to leave the apartment. see you out there somewhere!