Harga saham PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO) terjun parah ke level terendah semenjak IPO pasca Periode penguncian saham alias lock up periode saham seri A GOTO yang akan berakhir per 30 November 2022.
The share price of PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO) plunged severely to the lowest level since the IPO after the stock lock-up period aka the lock up period for GOTO series A shares which will end on November 30, 2022.
Berdasarkan penutupan pasar hari ini, Selasa 29 November 2022 saham GOTO di tutup diharga Rp 162/lembar. Harga tersebut terus turun dibandingkan harga saat IPO yaitu Rp 338/lembar saham. Dengan all time high nya di harga Rp 442/lembar saham.
Based on today's market close, Tuesday, November 29, 2022, GOTO's shares closed at a price of IDR 162/share. The price continues to fall compared to the price at the time of the IPO, which was IDR 338 / share. With its all-time high at a price of Rp 442/share.
Pada saat postingan ini saya buat, saya telah mengalami kerugian 30,67%, yang merupakan kerugian terbesar saya selama berinvestasi. Kalian sendiri bagaimana, apakah ada yang membeli saham GOTO juga, atau malah lagi nyangkut lebih dalam.
At the time I made this post, I had already suffered a loss of 30.67%, which is my biggest loss during investing. You guys know how, whether someone buys GOTO shares too, or even deeper.
Bagi kalian yang tertarik untuk memulai investasi saham bisa mengunjungi tautan ini, klik DISINI untuk mendaftar dan membeli saham pertama anda, Kalau kamu daftar pakai
kode Ajaib luth959, kita berdua bisa otomatis dapat hadiah saham hingga Rp50 juta setelah kamu beli saham pertamamu.
For those of you who are interested in starting stock investing, you can visit this link, click HERE to register and buy your first stock, If you register using Magic code luth959, we can both automatically get a stock prize of up to IDR 50 million after you buy your first shares.
Bagaimana menurut kalian, apakah ini waktu yang tepat untuk masuk membeli saham GOTO? Buy, Sell or Wait and See? Tulis pendapat kalian di kolom komentar ya. Salam Profit!
What do you guys think, is this the right time to go in to buy GOTO shares? Buy, Sell or Wait and See? Write your opinion in the comment section.
DISCLAIMER: postingan ini bukan merupakan rekomendasi jual maupun beli saham tertentu, semua keputusan berada di ujung jari anda sendiri!