discovering true/genuine repentance......where next to go to be free from sin............

in #sc-n7 years ago

Repent; cheer and be happy!!!

  • psalm 147:1– 11

The setting of Psalm 147 may well be the remaking of the sanctuary under Nehemiah: 'God's the person who revamps Jerusalem, who re-assembles Israel's scattered outcasts' . This began (as we see today in Nehemiah 1– 2) with a honest to goodness repentance by Nehemiah for the benefit of himself and every one of the general population.
Authentic repentance begins with being 'down and out' (Psalm 147:3). The brilliant news is that God mends the crushed and ties up their injuries (v.3, see Isaiah 61:1).
'Repentance' includes lowering ourselves before God. Though he 'throws the evil to the ground' (Psalm 147:6b), 'the Lord maintains the humble' (v.6a). Be that as it may, God does not abandon you there. He needs you to think back with repentance, as well as to look forward with celebrating.

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The entry wraps up by advising us that God isn't dependent on (or inspired by) physical quality (v.10): 'He's not awed with torque; the measure of our muscles implies little to him' . Rather, 'the Lord savors the experience of the individuals who fear him, who put their expectation in his unfailing affection' (v.11).
The entire song is tied in with celebrating in the Lord. It begins with a call to 'Acclaim the Lord', and an indication of how 'great … wonderful and fitting' (v.1) it is to do as such. Love brings bliss and joy, and it is a proper reaction to such a stunning God.

Repent; answer and react

  • Revelation 16:1– 21

This must be a standout amongst the most alarming parts in the whole Bible. It portrays God's last judgment. These are the seven last torment (like those portrayed in Exodus 7– 10). Everything closes in 'Armageddon'. Amidst the horrendous judgment, there are four things that ought to bring you comfort:

  • Jesus Christ is returning soon

'Keep watch! I come unannounced, similar to a criminal. You're honored if, conscious and dressed, you're prepared for me' (Revelation 16:15, MSG). Later on in Revelation, we will see every one of the favors that the second happening to Jesus will convey to you and to the entire creation.

  • Jesus bore and took our judgment

The words, 'It is done!' (v.17) disclose to us that once this last judgment has occurred, 'It is done' – the keep going expressions of Jesus on the cross (John 19:30). They advise us that Jesus bore God's fury upon himself on the cross for us. God so adored the world that he sent his unparalleled Son to kick the bucket for you so you won't not go under God's last judgment, but instead get every one of the gifts of everlasting life (see also John 3:16,17).

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  • Judgment is postponed

The judgment just falls on the individuals who 'declined to repent and commend him' (Revelation 16:9). God gives them, similar to Pharaoh, such huge numbers of chances to repent, 'however they declined to repent of what they had done' (v.11). God's craving is that everybody should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). He gives many, numerous openings. It is just the individuals who completely decline to repent that go under his judgment.

  • Judgment will be absolutely just

Numerous individuals stress, justifiably, about entries like this in the Bible. Be that as it may, God's judgments will be completely 'genuine' and 'just' (v.7). As the previous vicar of HTB, John Collins dependably says, 'We will all say on that day, "That is completely right." '

Repent; progress and rebuild

  • Nehemiah 1:1– 2:20

Nehemiah's circumstance was not at all like our own. The congregation in this nation is in incredible 'inconvenience and disrespect' (v.3). It appears to have been crushed, and is viewed either as superfluous or as a question of hatred.
In 445 BC, Nehemiah himself was additionally crushed by the way that God's name was not being respected. God's kin were in 'terrible shape. Conditions [were] horrifying' (v.3, MSG). 'The mass of Jerusalem is still rubble; the city doors are as yet ashes' (v.3, MSG).
Nehemiah was an administration specialist who had ascended to high office in the Persian organization. He was cupbearer to the lord (1:11b). This was a vital office including duty regarding tasting the ruler's wine and for guarding the imperial loft.
Nehemiah's reaction is an awesome model for us to take after. He was a man of activity, yet he started with petition. His reaction was to sob, grieve, quick and ask (v.4). His petition starts with helping God to remember his affection (v.5). He goes ahead to repent of his wrongdoings and the transgressions of the general population: 'I admit the transgressions we Israelites, including myself and my family, have conferred against you. We have acted fiendishly towards you' (v.6b).

He closes the petition by requesting that God give him achievement (v.11). As so regularly happens, the solution to his petition included something he himself would do. He saw the issue and he acted. He surrendered a splendid vocation for an existence of peril, battle and altruism. In doing as such, he turned into the solution to his own supplication.
Artaxerxes saw his 'trouble of heart' (2:2). When he asked, 'What is it you need?' (v.4), again Nehemiah's 'bolt' petition ('supplicating under my breath', (v.4, MSG)) is a decent case to take after. In any circumstance you end up in where you just have a brief moment to choose what to do, supplicate: 'At that point I appealed to the God of paradise, and I addressed the lord' (vv.4– 5). He had officially done the genuine length of petition. Presently he just had sufficient energy to look upwards before he needed to give an answer.

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His demand honest, and he was permitted to go to Jerusalem to modify (v.8). Subsequent to investigating the dividers in mystery (carefully keeping his designs private while he surveyed the circumstance), he accumulated the general population and reported his designs (vv.11– 18). He lined up his petition with activity.
All through the entire procedure he held his attention on God, and over and over recognized that it is God who had motivated and empowered him to do this – 'In light of the fact that the charitable hand of my God had arrived, the ruler allowed my solicitations' (v.8, see likewise vv.12,18). It can be so natural to supplicate about something, yet then neglect to recognize God when things begin to go well. Regardless of whether in supplication or activity, Nehemiah was constantly aware of his dependence on God, and fast to credit his prosperity to God.
This trust in God is the thing that gave him the certainty to proceed with his designs when they experienced restriction. He looked to God when all was going great, and he looked to God again in trouble. '[He] addressed them by saying, "The God of paradise will give us achievement. We his hirelings will begin reconstructing" ' (v.20). Try not to enable resistance to redirect you from your God-given errand – trust God and get on with the activity.


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  • Repentance starts by personal realization that we're sinners
  • Repentance agrees that we have sinned
  • Repentance recognizes personal unworthiness.
  • Repentance accepts new laws.
  • Repentance elicits varied responses



Truly repentance is not been sorry or feeling guilty about your sin, it is about being sorry to God for your sin and being truthful about your sin. Weldone