What should I do to remain in the fear of God?

in #sc-v4 years ago


The Christian's life is oriented to live and remain in the fear of God. However, what should I do to remain in the fear of God?

In the Holy Scriptures, we find the following text:

"And let no one deceive his neighbor, but fear your God, for I am the Lord your God" (Leviticus 25:17).

What should I do to remain in the fear of God?

I recommend three important aspects that will help to remain in the fear of God:

1. Obedience to God's commandments.

We all know that, the Lord has given us very specific commandments in His Word, He expects us to obey him regardless of circumstances or situations. No matter what others say to offer us an attractive "alternative plan" that sounds good to disobey God's commandments, we should never follow his advice.

Man's plans may seem to make sense, but the Lord tells us: "There is a way that seems right to man; but his end is the way of death" (Pr 14:12). The Word of God is very clear. The problem of most Christians is their lack of discernment in the case of God's norms regarding good and evil. They may know what is good and what is God's will for their lives, but they prefer to disobey it, which always leads to despair, frustration and suffering.

2. The desire to be like Jesus.

Those who truly love Jesus as their Lord and Savior will want to be like Him. How did Jesus live? The Lord lived in complete obedience to his Father. He only did what the Father told him to do; and only said what the Father told him to say. What Jesus did is what we should do, not with our best abilities, but in obedience to the Holy Spirit that dwells in us. The Holy Spirit gives us the power to live as Jesus lived. Our responsibility is to ask you to guide, help, advise and allow us to obey.

The more we let the Holy Spirit work in us and through us, the more power we will receive to live like Jesus.

3. A brave life.

It is obvious that those who fear humanity and natural disasters suffer a fear that paralyzes them. On the other hand, those who fear the Lord with holy reverent fear find a value that moves them to act. God challenges his people to live with confidence and to respond with courage and courage in life. The "heroes of the faith" like Moses, Joshua and the apostles Peter and Paul faced incredible difficulties, but they emerged victorious thanks to the courage God gave him.

They learned the same lesson that led Esdra to say: "I was strengthened by the hand of my God upon me" (Esdra 7:28).


Sure mamidalia, our faith only should be based in God.