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RE: OpenLedger disabled STEEM/SBD withdrawal

in #scam5 years ago

I literally couldn't find this announcement after spending a bit of time googling openledger delisting steem sbd etc.

If almost no one on Steem caught it it's definitely not public enough.

Is this their account ? You'd think seeing as they were active just 2 months ago to shill (roughly when they decided to delist us), they'd also make a delisting announcement on here as well.


MT Openledger?

Sounds almost too ironically close to Mt. Gox.

They should have contacted all individuals who hold such assets via e-mails, as well. This is basic communication.
If they have not done so, it was a premeditated move.

Depends how much you all guys lost, it seems like class action lawsuit may be a solution. And depending where the company is based...