
I built my raised beds last year. The greenhouse is up since the end of April.
I started germinating seeds inside in Februari| March At the end of May, everything went outside. ( to be honest, my girlfriend did all the planting, since I wasn’t able to because of the surgery I had).
Weather conditions have been extremely good this year, so everything is growing faster than ever.

I’m just a newbie gardener. Three summers ago, I started with one square foot garden bed. Last year I expanded because I fell in love with uncommon veggies. This year, I had even bigger plans, but because the recovery from the surgeries I had didn’t go as well as I hoped, I had to settle for less than I hoped.

However, the new big greenhouse provides a lot of new options. Maybe not this year, but I’m already dreaming of being able to go full power again next year, with plenty more uncommon veggies to experiment with :0)