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RE: Population Growth Is Directly Proportional to Assholery

in #science8 years ago

Brilliant and-- of course-- somewhat alarming post. As I read this, I couldn't help but repeatedly think about the movie "Idiocracy." And, as I watch the world around me, I keep feeling like we're just all getting dumber every year.

I often see people citing the idea that violence is decreasing... but that's a pretty myopic view, in my opinion. Maybe physical violence is down, but with the advent of the Internet, the incidence of emotional violence is much higher... people being bullied and trolled, sometimes to the point where they commit Suicide. How can that NOT be seen as "violence?"

I live in a smaller town/city... about 10,000. One of the things I like about being here is that there's still a sense of community here.


Violence is the use of physical force, usually to cause harm.
I believe the term you're looking for is "Abuse", which is just as egregious in my mind. Whether you damage someones body or mind is irrelevant, the perpetrator is still being an asshole.

Yeap, many people cite the research from Pinker who rather brings the whole thing under a an over-generic narrative. Violence has not decreased. It merely changed the way that is being expressed.

I feel half of the world's population is already part of "Idiocracy". We hardly know how to grow our own food, let alone prepare it so that we can actually eat it.

Maybe we, the Steemians of the hour, can make a small difference for that matter.