Alright, thanks for making that clear :)
I am not sure whether there is a linear age going on.
I think that it is part of the phenomenon of human existence that what people perceived as normality was and is a reflection of what they perceived as such. One can live well in an existence by not constantly being aware that one's own well-being is at the expense of someone else who is not so well off. It is nonsensical, in my opinion, to constantly feel guilty about this. Especially when I, as an average person, am basically just following what I was born into. The question of guilt doesn't arise for me, I can't help it if things are unfair, just as I can't help it if things are fair. But by blaming myself, I allow myself to be gagged and have the notion poured over me that I can do something to "save the world". Which is, of course, sheer nonsense.
Darkness (or light) cannot equally be applied to all people, many would reply that they perceive nothing dramatic, with which they are right for themselves, how could it be otherwise? It is a thing of impossibility to make it clear to another person who finds everything fine and just that it is not so.
Where one walked in a group of quite normal people and then suddenly realises that they are wolves, the wolves will still say that they are not.
This can cause despair and that is, how I oftentimes feel nowadays. For me, the most difficult task is to put trust into those near me, who themselves lost trust in me. The only way to prove that I am trustable is to stay calm and friendly. Without losing myself.
Science lives from doubt, is what I think. If there is no doubt allowed it's not science. Scientific doubts come with delays, and what is presently put into consensus will be questioned in the future. Those premises though, which never have been questioned ever after the consensus, have a life-time of their own, which makes them into doctrine. We know, those are the hardest things to question, those affairs we take as a matter of fact and never even spend the slightest thought about them.
Greetings to you :)
I certainly agree with what you said.
Someone else mentioned "common law" in the sense that it was actually the law of nature and God himself, and the law was "Do not harm other humans or cause loss to them." And right away, despite the fact that it sounded like a nice law on the surface, I felt like it was riddled with severe weaknesses.
It's the sort of concept where if I was to seriously question it, I'd have to dismiss it because it doesn't make sense. For one, it's like you said, where I'm probably having a better life at the expense of someone else in some form, somewhere down the chain, and for two, why are only humans given protection of this law and not animals, plants, and the rest of nature?
It's the sort of law that isn't actually a law, but a mere plea. A wish. But it doesn't correlate to reality, and because of this, I cannot consider it to be valid. So I ignore it and continue living my life using functional, practical ethics and ideas.
I have to live each day, and I won't do it with guilt. None whatsoever. But I also do not serve evil or malice. I just do as I do and I do my best.