When i was young, i have been passing and spending all quantity of time in the forest, in the land, and I was enjoy all kind of stuff, for example walk around the forest, land with all kind of rocks.
Usually we do not have been paying attention to it's, but here we can found from the outside of the soil, and inside of it, we are walking against in this magic place and remembered when we were jumped in this amazing places, I was collected all little rocks and enjoy throw this to other rocks and enjoy the sounds generates by its when rocks come and broke between products from our strong force.
The rocks are magic, the rocks have minerals like gold, silver and the most common are the iron, or maybe cement in some cases, or rarely materials which have been uses in the recent days in making technology for artificial intelligence, or batteries for efficient cars, for this reason the rocks are very very important for our economy.
But our planet is made by all quantity of rocks, and are a abundance material, for this reason here are not important for much people, but in the building enterprises it is very important because it is the base for making bricks, cement, wall, and of course all kind of support have been make by rocks.
We have been foundin all kind of rocks and love this for make funny times with it's,the colors of this are gray and black.
We uses it for target shooting too for improve our ability and of course enjoy this very well.
The nature give us all kind of stuff and funny times, is necessary been carefully with it's, we need to protect it and be responsible, do not hurt our lovely nature mother's.
English mistakes are make by me.
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You always say that we must take care of nature, I hope that many people take your words into account, in this country we are going from bad to worse, I ask GOD to protect me and I trust in him.
I wish you a happy night
Thanks my duddy, hey friend when we come to find a beautiful woman.
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