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RE: Imperative Pastime

in #self-care6 years ago

Oh nice!
I created a garden for the first time in my life this year, and it's been amazing to watch... we've gotten so many veggies from it, and I can't get over how exciting it is to actually eat your own produce. I might be a little bit addicted as I keep coming up with new plans to expand our new orchard and veggie patch. That zucchini is so big!

Looks like you're definitely army strong with all those hiking supplies.
Do you do anything in particular fitness-wise or does all your training happen at your time in the army?


This year is my first time too! It really has been exciting. I just want to grow everything now. Zucchini was our best produce, can’t wait for next year!
I go to the gym to prepare for the training we have to do in the Army, but that is solely push-ups, sit-ups and running.... I was doing some strength training but I get so frustrated/tired with that. Definitely something I’m trying to work on!

I am so excited for next year!!! We learnt our lesson this season and have got decent deer-proof fencing now... they tore through all our spinach, tomatoes and lettuce... zucchini was our best too, even though the deer ate half of them. We also put all our carrots in a clump, so they didn't grow well.... lessons learned.


Fencing is a goood idea! It’s kind of annoying but not as ugly as I expected. I definitely learned that it matters when you plant, and that you actually need to plan space for your plants to grow...
I threw three sunflower seeds in the holes I dug “ just in case” and three grew right out of every spot: F6212674-52CD-4FF1-A38D-EC96E4D34909.jpeg

Your garden is so good! And so big!

We've got an orchard of 10 trees and a very small box... it's just sometimes tricky to fit a garden in around driveways, etc. These photos make me so happy for you!