7 DayB&Wchallenge Photography SchoolBuilding # Day-1


Seven day black & white challenge

I have been nominated to participate in the challenge the seventh, above is the seventh of seluru challenge me this week. I finally got to the last day. I saw this challenge, because I am not people give up easily. Although I don't be a photographer skilled, or know what to post! I hope image I have give during the past week has been giving you a glimpse into the my life. I also expect them to paint a picture I outside of science are most of you get here.


Here are the rules to consider:

• Seven black and white images that represent aspects of your life.
• Present a picture every day for seven days.
• No one.
• No explanation.
• Running someone every day, but anyone can join in the fun.
• Use the - # sevendayb & wchallenge tag - as one of your five tags.

Today is the last time I will nominate others to participate in this matter. My time with this challenge performs but will persist through my nomination.

My seventh nominations are @safran, teacher educator and great guy. I have not seen him recently (he mostly posts educational issues) but he's been from the beginning and has been a great content and reference creator. Wow with some photoB & W @novale & @faizelrazi

The meaning in the photo above (if you look closely) is what you would think if you knew about what I was doing on steemit.