How to improve sexual health

in #sex9 years ago

On September 4, the day the world mentions sexual health Day. What sexual behavior is risky and how to protect yourself? Risky sexual behavior increases the likelihood to get sexually transmitted diseases and unplanned pregnancy. Active sex life has totally sexual maturity may have a negative impact on future relationship. I.e may result in a distorted perception of what is a healthy relationship.

Risky sexual behavior includes:

Unprotected sex (not using a male or female condom), except if the relationship is long-lasting and monogamous (have only one sexual partner).

Unsafe oral and genital contact, with the exception of long-term, monogamous relationships.

Early sexual life begins earlier than 18 years.

Many sexual partners.

Partner with an increased risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases (have multiple sex partners or other risk factors).

Anal sex, with the exception of long-term, monogamous relationships.

Sexual intercourse with a partner who received either and still use intravenous injecting.

Having sex for money or drugs.

The main causes of risky sexual behavior:

People do not understand the dangers of sexually transmitted diseases and how they are infected.

People do not talk to your partner about safer sex options.

Not ready or do not know how to use protective measures against sexually transmitted diseases.

Does not recognize the symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases.

Do not seek medical attention if you experience symptoms of a sexually transmitted disease.

For whatever reason, are unable to start treatment or financially can not afford it.

They have sex, being under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Alcohol and drugs affect our thinking, thus increasing the likelihood of unprotected sex.

A good sex life can guarantee intimate problems to solve can help a healthy lifestyle, especially nuts, sport and joy of life. Intimate relationship problems or abuse sex can be a certain physical disorders. It is therefore very important to take care of their sexual health, if you want to stay healthy, capable and energetic. Here are some tips that can help to maintain good physical health and remain sexy.

tips to improve sexual health:

Wanting to be able to have more sex recommended to eat more nuts, fresh fruits and vegetables. Food can also be richly flavoring spices and aromatic herbs.

Every day, at least 10 - 15 mins for morning exercise (also do not forget to do warm-up exercises after 2 - 3 minutes several times a day.

Very limited alcohol (especially spirits) consumption.

Quit smoking.

Try to maintain a good physical shape, but avoid attacking the extremes.

Keep in mind that a good mood in many cases, are in excellent health (not just physical, but also sexual) warranty. Therefore, try to fill the small joys of life. Try to disperse the pessimism and get rid of the gloomy mood.

It is worth to try a variety of body and mind management practices (you may want to visit at least a few positive psychology lectures, try yoga and meditation).