Child birth ans Surrogacy

in #sex7 years ago

The desire for sexual pleasure is a pertinent feature of every mature human being. We all naturally crave for sex even when we know little and are taught nothing about it. It is a desire born out of a natural sense of attraction and instinct for satisfaction of a continuous impulsion by well-developed sex hormones.

Sex is primary for the purpose of procreation and any other purpose (fun, bonding, gratification etc.) is an added spice. We all are aware of other uses of sex on the flip side which includes prostitution, power, abuse and control.

For religious faithful’s (of which I’m one), sex is an act ordained strictly for married couples. This belief (or the tendency to abide by it) is however on a downward steep even among the ‘religious’. Whether married or not, sex fulfils its primary function of reproduction producing foetus that grow into babies.

With the exemption of a few who do not desire the birth of their smaller versions, most of us desire the birth of children who will look up to us as parents, show us care, love as at when due and continue an extant genealogy. This is one of the reasons why couples bedeviled with lack of children are pressured both internally and externally to seek medical solutions and spiritual solutions. Thanks to medicine, a solution was found to assist women who can’t give to birth children but have fertile eggs to engage the services of surrogate mothers to carry pregnancies for them and give birth to their babies. This solution still remains an expensive option involving a costly budget required to cater for the surrogate mother and the growing foetus(es). In spite of the enormous expenses surrogacy triggers, it has proven to be a sure way out of childlessness.

With the advent of surrogacy in child birth, some women who do not desire to go through the rigours and pains of pregnancy and child birth decide to employ services of surrogate mums with the consent of their other half. Men folks are also not left out in the opportunities surrogacy brings. A category of men who are not interested in marriage or delay marriage (mostly for its responsibilities and dramas), donate their sperms in medical labs for incubation with either their partners egg or an egg donated to the lab.

For these men a question of morality hangs above their heads despite the legalization of surrogacy. As for the women, they are prone to tirade of questions from non-consenting partners.

In all surrogacy truly brings some feeling of freedom to a couple or person who initiates the need and we should be thankful for its existence and should seek, clamour and hope (whichever category you fit into) for more medical research breakthroughs and solutions.

Consequently, my questions for you are,

Will you consider surrogacy if you belong to the two above set examples?

Can you consent to surrogacy for your partner who desires not to be pregnant?

Can you consent to be a surrogate mother or allow your partner (wife included) to be a surrogate mother for another?


My friend’s wife could not get pregnant for a long time. They visited various clinics, but nothing helped. Then they decided on surrogate motherhood, chose this clinic Everything went well. The boy is already five years old, they have a happy family =)