SHIBA INU - Helping millions through Covid Relief! πŸ†˜ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜‚πŸ‘Œβ€οΈπŸ˜

in #shiba β€’ 3 years ago


Check out the latest Shiba / Covid Relief thread on Twitter!!

Screenshot 2021-09-18 at 8.47.46 PM.png Twitter Thread Source:

Breaking News!

India's Crypto Covid Relief has converted ~80% of @VitalikButerin's Shiba Inu donation, for a total proceeds of 387,683,398, & the remaining 20% is being transferred to @wintermute_t (An online Crypto Exchange) Now we have the transparency of the sellout, and why the price of Shiba Inu Dumped coinciding with the Coinbase listing, all that's left is more transparency of how this USD gets spent on actual covid relief and helping people in India fight this pandemic.

Screenshot 2021-09-18 at 8.34.00 PM.png

*This transparency is good news for Shiba Inu!

No more 10 Trillion SHIB sitting over our heads, this dump was what we were waiting for. Hopefully the new whale they sold it to had diamond flippers and can hold tight until the Shiba Inu MEWN!!* πŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž


The price of SHIBA too a beating following this news!

Hopefully there press will run with this story and keep a positive spin as they keep us updated with the Millions of people that this donation from Vitalik Buterin will help. I think this is a very big win for Shiba Inu, and will help to boost the price once again in the weeks to come. It's time to buy the dip again on SHIB!

Screenshot 2021-09-18 at 8.54.22 PM.png How low do you think SHIBA will go this round, before the next pump? Possibly as low as 580 again?

Watch and chat with the Shiba Inu community - Live 24/7 on Youtube (above)!

I'm no TA Expert... All I know is Buy The Dip!!

Prices tend to complete their moves on big news stories. For instance the good news about shiba being listing on coinbase was a sell event, while possibly this news about the Covid Relief selling might complete the selling and become a buy event? I don't know for sure, but I'm glad that SHIBA is taking a healthy breather after that massive last coinbase listing announcement run we just had. Count your blessings, I think SHIBA's giving us yet one last chance to stack up our SHIBA millions!

Where do you think the best price for buying SHIBA on this dip will be?? Post your best SHIBA TA and guesses in the comments below!

Follow @coininstant for more!

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Wow this is good every congratulation and good news to India, thank for this great Information.

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How many coins circulating now?

500 Trillion I think.

Very good news for india.

Nice move to do this gift to help with the covid fight, sure this positive propaganda will help the prices.

I am very optimistic about Shiba inu coins because I have a lot more stocks. I want the price of coins to go up very soon and I can make some money.

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We really need more of it in circulation

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The good news because of the potential and the future seen on this coin in fact looking up for the price coming up
Thanks for the information

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Very generous from vitalik and Shiba Inu with the support to the people of India. Anytime before 580 would be the right time to get in. Better days ahead for sure

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Excellent posting dear sir

Nice post

Very good contest


Amazing idea of the posting

Reblog it

shiba is not coming slow i very little time got so much of respect amoung people

Super fantastic posting

Good luck

Now is a good time to buy a Shiba.

Thanks for info freind.

Ah ha this is the good news that I was waiting for! Thanks bro I will re-bid at the previous buy level!


He has done a great job by helping India in the situation of covid. I really appreciate it.


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I Believe news is good for the image of Shiba. Buying the dip is a good idea as the price would certainly pick up once again

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it's very good in dealing with the situation

How low do you think SHIBA will go this round, before the next pump? Possibly as low as 580 again?

Possibly yeah!

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Hahahaha, Shiba Inu is really doing numbers and making the headlines.πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

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Shiba is very potential and has ability grow up more in near future.

thank you very much for sharing the news, great post, have a nice day

Great one from vitalik and shiba. I think right now might be a good time to get in

Thank you very much for sharing information, have a good day and a great mood

Great news and valuable post.
Thanks @coininstant
Have a nice day

Super fantastic posting dear sir

Reblog this post

Excellent posting dear friend

Looking super fantastic

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