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RE: What's the first major news story you can remember living through as a child?

in #silverbloggers2 months ago

So, I'm not trying to cause any trouble with you on this but I do neuroscience research. Something very interesting with flashbulb memories is that a lot of studies find that most of them are not particularly accurate. This probably has to do with how we compress and retrieve our memories over time.

It always blows my mind to think that my most vivid memories are likely inaccurate. It's not something I feel comfortable with but the brain is a crazy place!

I do think that emotional attachment will make a memory more pronounced. Arousal and valence scores can trigger memories in different ways. I did a pilot study on this involving images. Maybe I'll pick back up on that in the future.


@kryptik, I found what you say very interesting, and do not doubt it. I can only repeat what my mind remembers, I know the circumstances are true but like I found out about President JFK's death, I thought it happened right after lunch but someone said it was much later in the day. Thank you for your input.

It's not a big deal! Actually it's a very important way to study memory.