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RE: Just Got An Order In - 7/15/2021

I honestly have never paid attention to when I vote. I normally am on here so much I vote early I thought. Look this platform has been a big part of my life these past years. I truly did not knowingly do anything ill willed. I’m serious. I’d appreciate being removed from flagging or black lists please. I have no issue just not voting on something I find that’s older then 4 days. I will do whenever u want within reason. But I see at least one or two other accounts were black listed or at least heavily downvoted just because I upvoted them a lot. These two accounts @adamcurry33 and artgirlnyc never asked me for anything. Please remove them and please remove downvotes from @adamcurry33 posts. He’s a new account and it’s really not right. I have seen the day 6 thing discussed in far past but honestly don’t even know why it’s a plus to get voted on day 6. I never once planned my voting around any day. I heavily support multiple communities here and truly did not do anything I knew anyone frowned on. I am so confused by this. But at this point I just wanna move forward. Let me know anything else I need to be aware of. I’ve been a good and supportive account here. Thank you


WTF? All my posts are zero?

They may be counteracting the bad actions that may not be your fault. Quickest resolution would be changing the keys. I may be able to convince others to remove downvotes if that is done but I cannot make a guarantee if they disagree. Best of luck sorting it out!