Hive the scam

what a scam hive is my account has been blacklisted because I shared information on the silver coins COA's in my posts, by the way I own the coins and paid good money for them and own everything in the package. By the way there is no disclaimer on the COA's, then after talking with them on discord they just disappear and stop responding what a load of crap

Even after telling them over and over and over again that the information came from the red COA book in the picture

the whole conversation

I have just triple checked.
[8:36 PM]
Do you own the website

killerpenguin79 — Today at 8:36 PM
no why ?

Hivewatchers-Helper — Today at 8:37 PM
Then you have definitely plagiarised multiple times

killerpenguin79 — Today at 8:37 PM
the information in the post came from the COA of coins

Hivewatchers-Helper — Today at 8:38 PM
Please do not attempt to defraud the community with plagiarism (using content of someone else and publishing as own to profit) or the account may end up blacklisted.

killerpenguin79 — Today at 8:39 PM its the same information as here and anywhere as its information written on the coa the red card in the picture
[8:40 PM]
so are plagerizing the perth mint and the many other sites that have the exact information

Hivewatchers-Helper — Today at 8:40 PM
Do you own the website

killerpenguin79 — Today at 8:41 PM
no as the information in that post is written on the COA (the red Book in the picture)
[8:42 PM]
anyone who buys that coin has the exact same information all they have done is take it off the booklet sold with the coin

Hivewatchers-Helper — Today at 8:42 PM
Then please:

Please do not attempt to defraud the community with plagiarism (using content of someone else and publishing as own to profit) or the account may end up blacklisted.

Hivewatchers-Helper — Today at 8:42 PM

killerpenguin79 — Today at 8:50 PM


nikv — Today at 9:05 PM
what he means is: what gives you the right to try and make money publishing this content that you never wrote? What if everybody tried doing what you think is ok to do and the place was full posts taken off the same website? Hive rewards original content, it's not a content aggregation service

killerpenguin79 — Today at 9:11 PM
99% of my content is my own words but if there is a COA sold with a coin its nice to let people know what it says and the information in contains also i bought the coins with the COA I own the rights if there are no disclaimers on the COA which there are not as i said most of my content is in my own words
[9:16 PM]
and for the last time it did not come off a website the red book sold with the coin has facts and information about the coin thats where the information came from i am not trying to be a content aggergation service i am showing people the beautiful coins and giving back ground information

so with that i am out nice chatting with some of you maybe one day there will a place to share the love of gold and silver coins and bars