Paper Dollars will become Paper Cents...

in #silvergoldstackers7 days ago (edited)

1986-S One Dollar Heads....jpg
Can anyone tell me why 1986 was a special year...???

A One Hundred Dollar "Bill" will soon become One Hundred Paper Cents...

This should make it easy to understand the Exchange Rate...

The 5,000 Dollar Stimulus Payments, will have the "Spending Power" of $50 in Sound Money...

Receiving $50 in Sound Money will be the same as getting a 1/2 Ounce $50 U.S. Gold Coin...

That's pretty impressive, but it's only the beginning, since "We the People" own the Rights to all U.S. Coinage...

We the people are soon going to be rolling in Sound Money...

This time around, the Stimulus Checks will probably be payable in Physical or Digital Fiat USD's, but next time around, there's a good chance payments from the U.S. Treasury will be payable in U.S. Crypto Coinage...

USCC will make the United States the Crypto Capital of the World...

Again, "We the People" own the Rights to all U.S. Coinage, including USCC...

USCC will be Stable and 100% backed by both "Collector and Circulating" U.S. Gold Coins...

I expect to see Paper Dollars being removed and replaced by Paper Cents in the Very Near Future, so keep that in mind...

U.S. Paper Coinage and Common Coinage will be 100% backed by our Silver, Platinum and Palladium Coins...

We're returning to "Circulating" Sound Money, which will have 100 Times "more" Spending Power than the Federal Reserve Note "Fiat" USD's...

If I didn't already write it, we will be "removing and replacing" Federal Reserve Notes at a 100 to 1 Exchange Rate...

Digital FDIC Bank Accounts will be covered, "up to" $2,500 in U.S. Crypto Coinage...

And I'm not worried at all, about holding "Physical" Fiat USD's...

Paper USD's will actually experience a small increase in Value, since they now have "less" than 1% Spending Power, but the U.S. Treasury will be offering a "full" 1%...

This is what I see heading our way, due to the 100 to 1 Exchange Rate away from Fiat USD's into U.S. Paper Coinage...

The Melt Value of Gold "will be" revalued to $90 per ounce in U.S. Gold Coinage...

The Melt Value of Silver "will be" revalued to $9 per ounce in U.S. Silver Coinage...

We really need to stop thinking in terms of Fiat USD's and start thinking in terms of "Sound Money"...

Has anyone noticed how Gold has been Flooding into the United States...???

I'm hearing 2,000 Tons of Gold came in recently...

And you ain't seen nothing

I've been writing that "Staggering" amounts of Silver and Gold will come Flooding into the U.S. Treasury...

I happen to know for a Fact, that "We the People" have Staggering amounts of Silver and Gold, just "Standing by"...

It will be used to "Jump Start" our New and Improved U.S. Coinage...

Guess what we'll be using to "make change"...???

We will actually have many options, down to the Decimal Cent...

When the "Announcements" are make, there will be a Rush to the Fountains of Las Vegas...

People will be fighting over the "ONE CENT" Coins...

What people don't realize, is that "We the People" own the Rights to all U.S. Coinage...

This means our Common U.S. Coinage will get us in on the Ground Floor of "Sound Money" which will include "Existing" U.S. Crypto Coinage...

U.S. Crypto Coinage (USCC) will be used all over the World...

Could you imagine getting in on the Ground Floor...???

Don't think I haven't been thinking about this for years...

I've looked at it from every possible angle...

I'm sure all the #silvergoldstackers know my "Fine Tuned" version of the U.S. Monetary Corrections "Forward and Backwards" by now...

I've been driving then Crazy with my never ending Rambling about the Reset...

Hopefully, there will be no need for me to continue, once the Announcements are made...

I'll be pretty busy Staking Mining Claims, Drawing Maps and Building a Processing Plant, wherever I decide to Stake my Mill Site Claim for processing the ore...

I'll have to put in a Road, Power and Water for the Processing Plant...

So, I should be pretty busy for a while after the Reset...

I'll still be taking plenty of Coffee Breaks...

It would be fun for me to return as a Super Whale...

I suppose the up-votes will be measured in Sound Money by then...

A 10 Cent Up-Vote will have a whole new meaning...


Is there anything else, you'd like for me to write about...???
I'm always opened to suggestions...


I am not part of the community and I don't plan to be hahaha, but I do know your approach.
A big hug

I'm not sure why you're saying you're not a part of the Community... If anything, I'm not very liked, but everyone likes you...

I'm not in any community, I better work like this

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