Prepare for a Massive Rollout...

in #silvergoldstackers17 days ago (edited)


Fiat Numbers will soon be removed and replaced by Sound Money Numbers...

Gold won't be going up to 9,000 Fiat USD's per ounce, Gold will be going up to $90 per ounce in Sound Money...

The U.S. Treasury will use that $90 ounce of Gold to Mint $100 in Gold Coins...

Silver won't be going up to 900 Fiat USD's per ounce, Silver will be going up to $9 per ounce in Sound money...

The U.S. Treasury will use that $9 ounce of Silver to Mint $10 in Silver Coins...

Sound Money will have 100 times "more" Spending Power than Fiat USD's...

I'm sure you all know by now that I have a Wild imagination...

I was able to see a much different way of Fixing the U.S. Monetary System...

I'd like to think of it as an original thought, but I think my Wild imagination just stumbled upon something that's been in the works for many Decades...

I've written about a 100 to 1 Exchange Rate away from "Physical" Fiat USD's...

I don't know how many times I mentioned a Redemption Period...

And then there's the "Paper Coinage" I keep writing about...

I've written about "We the People" having "Staggering" amounts of Silver and Gold, "Standing By"...

What about the 99 Decimal Cents, and U.S. Crypto Coinage, which I "was" calling Electronic Coinage...

Our One Ounce $10 Silver Coins tell me the Melt Value of Silver will be $9 in "Sound Money"...

Our One Ounce $100 Gold Coins tell me the Melt Value of Gold will be $90 in "Sound Money"...

And then there's our Common U.S. Coinage, which I'm expecting to have a 100 Fold increase in Spending Power, in order to help "make change" for our "Circulating" Silver and Gold Coins...

It sure surprises me that so few people seem interested...

As far as I'm concerned, I think I came up with the answer to the U.S. Monetary Correction and Reset...

If any of you can spot any flaws, I sure wish you'd tell me what it is...

Now that I have the answer, it all seems too simple to be overlooked for Decades...

I'm sure someone else came up with the same answers I did, many years ago...

What I came up with, I figure any 4th Grade Student could have come up with...

That's why I can't figure out, why it's so hard for people to wrap their heads around...

Is it that hard to believe that an Ounce of Gold will have a Melt Value of $90 in "Circulating" Gold Coinage...

If I sell One Ounce of Gold to the U.S. Treasury, I will get back One of our 1/2 ounce $50 Gold Coins and Two of our 1/5 ounce $20 Gold Coins for a Total of $90...

I will also have the option of receiving $90 in "New" U.S. Crypto Coinage...

I'll probably request the USCC instead of the Gold Coins, since I plan on doing a lot of Spending on the other side of the Reset...

I plan on putting a lot of people to work, starting with a Five Acre Mill Site Claim, to Process the Rich Silver and Gold Ores I discovered...

So, I'll be very busy on the other side of the Reset, but not too busy to visit all my wonderful friends, here on Hive...

Just 10 Pounds of the Gold Ore will make me a Super Whale, here on Hive...

I'm sure many of you have a hard time believing that, but it's okay...

I have hard time believing it myself...

People are happy finding 1/2 ounce of Gold to the Ton of Ore, and here I believe I found 12,000 ounces of Gold to the Ton...

That's 24,000 times better than what's considered good ore...
Awesome Discovery...10.jpg
This is what my Liquid Gold looks like when it's still wet...
How would you like to be panning for Gold and find this at the bottom of the Pan...???

Actually, you wouldn't have found this, because it would have flowed right out of your Pan...

With this light, here's what my Liquid Gold looks like once it's dried...

If you left click on the picture, you'll figure out how to zoom in close...

It's easy to see why I'm having a hard time believing it's so rich...

And the Silver Ore is just as unbelievable...


I'd rather write about the U.S. Monetary Correction...

President Trump and Elon have been searching for Mistakes to Fix, and I think they're on to what I write...

They're still keeping it a secret, but I do pick up on a few clues...

Plus, they have a huge Team of High IQ people searching for answers...

Lucky for me, I already found the answers, which puts me at a huge advantage...

I knew the answers many years ago, but they weren't as Fine Tuned as they are now...

I better keep this short, since most of you already know all the answers I came up with...


Feel free to question anything I write...


(How would you like to be panning for Gold and find this at the bottom of the Pan...???)I am a very distrustful man, the reason is the circumstances of life, what I have to say to this is that I trust you, something that I generally never say, you tell me that being a super whale you will help me and I trust your words

I sure hope I don't let you down... Did you ever go to the U.S. Mints Web Page yet...???
They do ship all over the World...

What a good explanation, that's the way it should be.

Thanks... I've put a lot of thought into the U.S. Monetary Correction...

That's good, thinking to do good.

Hopefully, I'll be able to make a difference...

That is what is important, that is why I always visit you, because of your aspirations that we all achieve economic unity, those are the aspirations of Venezuelans, that their economy be even and very good for everyone.

I hope Venezuela has plenty of Gold, for the World Wide Monetary Correction...

I am happy with your ideas and words, they are a good contribution to grow. Thank you for that I visit you.

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