Now, the reason why I decided to head this way this post was that, thanks to an incredible and very perceptive friend, I realized that without wanting to, this drawing portrayed something symbolic, a perception which has inspired many artists, and it is that of beauty, that quality capable of producing in those who contemplate them a certain pleasure or admiration. Now, as we can see, we see this great serpent throughout the drawing surrounded by colorful and colorful flowers, which represents beauty, magnificence and temptation; characteristics that we usually attribute to these people, those animals, even those objects that exude that aura, that beauty, that beauty that captivates us so much, however, we often ignore that beauty is a double-edged sword, an advantageous one but the dangerous time characteristic, which has led more than one to his impending perdition.
Then with some green, color the upper part of the reptile, applying several shades of green to give a more vivid shade to the creature
Then pass to the bottom, which did not know what color to put, so choose to leave it white and make a few black effects
After that I went to make the flowers, starting first with the biggest one and, once I saw a result that I liked, I continued with the others.
Once again, I hope you liked this drawing, as I always tell you, always open to any criticism, suggestion and recommendation you want to give me. As always I say trying to improve drawing after drawing and well, with nothing more to limit, I wish you a very happy day!
If you want to use my ArtWork, don't forget credit me
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