Ladies and gentlemen, we have a troll whale.
@greywarden100 downvotes every one of my posts.
Please show him some love and send him some upvotes ❤️
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a troll whale.
@greywarden100 downvotes every one of my posts.
Please show him some love and send him some upvotes ❤️
You owe this Whale an apology for when you use to downvote all of my posts for no reason. Remember those days Mr. Hoekstra? I can't believe you are all sensitive about this when this was a practice of yours. You are only getting a taste of your own medicine. Plus, your content sucks in my opinion anyways. I am within all of my rights to downvote you. I have no idea why your posts appear on my feed. I don't follow you nor care to do so!