
Indeed! It's cool to stand next to something that was once flying in orbit around the Earth :)
It's incredible to know how many scientists around the world used the data obtained from the missions for many, many years after it finished its mission. Truly a good example of space helping push the boundaries of knowledge :)

Please get some pictures of some of the Esa! Have you met many cosmo+astronauts ?

Over the ~6 years I've been engaged with space-stuff (since going to the International Space University in 2012) I've met around 20 astronauts. Most recently was with Thomas Pesquet (although he didn't have the time to stop for a photo) when he visited our workplace before Christmas. I did a post about it here earlier.

Oh boy

Shit at this rate maybe i'll make a steemit post from the moon base ;) remote viewing @fredrikka right now say hi 🤑