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RE: Going to the European Space Technology Research Centre - Pictures from the heart of Space in Europe!

in #space7 years ago (edited)

You don't know that for sure. You're kidding yourself if you say so. Even if it was proven tomorrow that indeed every single NASA video had been faked (for which there still is no evidence) it would do nothing to change the observable fact that we live on a round planet. Something we have known for more than 1000 years before NASA existed.

Calling gravity "a hoax" is just hilarious. Again, even in the Napoleon wars, they used models based on gravity to aim their cannons and understand how the cannon balls would fly and where they would land. You may want to look into the works of Pierre-Simon Laplace if you want to learn more. (I highly recommend his work) But whenever we build buildings, send missiles, do experiments or fly planes based on models that assumes gravity to exist it works.


Or 3. You and the uneducated, unemployed, losers you've found on youtube who call themselves assholes are simply wrong.

I feel sorry for you if you can look at that video and believe that it is evidence of a flat Earth.

For instance, it is just the same as the video the students took, if you go a minute in you can see it bend upwards... If you want to see a curvature you need to look down. If you look straight at the horizon, you won't see curve down to the sides, you will only see further and further over the horizon, which is also evidence that the world is indeed round.

I have not insulted you at any point Lasse. I only gave what I think is an accurate description of the people in the YouTube videos you have been linking in all your comments. If you can show me that any of these YouTubers have a good education or a good job then I will take that statement back.

About you, I respect you for saying what you think and not being afraid to stand up for what you believe in even when it obviously does nothing good for you. I do, as you well know, disagree with your views and your conclusions, but in every response I have written to you, even when you have called me a liar, a fraud and a criminal, has been to question your beliefs or to give what I think are the best arguments against the claims you have been making.

That is showing you more respect than you have ever shown me.

About your last comment about protecting your stake, I think you are completely missing the whole value of steemit. What makes this blockchain great is that anyone can say what they believe and anyone can support the persons they want to support. It is not google or facebook who gets to decide what is valuable, we all do. So when you say that we need to get rid of other viewpoints, then you are the same as the antifa and the far left people in the United States who wants to silence and stop conservative and libertarian speakers on campuses just because they do not like what they have to say.

Anyways, I wish you only good fortune.