Producción de Biogás:
constituida por metano entre un 50% y 80% gas carbónico trazas de vapor de agua, hidrógeno sulfuro de hidrógeno, amoniaco, monóxido de carbono, nitrógeno, oxigeno, trazas de partículas orgánicas. Que se origina por la degradación de la materia orgánica anaeróbicamente.Producción de Bioetanol:
es la fermentación de medios azucarados hasta lograr el grado alcohólico, la calidad es necesaria si se desea utilizar el alcohol en mezclas con gasolinas en los vehículos que son convencionales.Producción de Bioetanol:
se encontró un valor promedio de 58,37ml de etanol obtenido a partir de 1kg de mucílago fresco.Fuente
otros de los subproductos del café con excelentes propiedades combustible.
Utilización como combustible directo:
en peso directo el cisco representa el 4.2% del fruto fresco.Corresponde a la fracción insoluble del grano tostado, es un residuo que se genera en las fábricas de café soluble.
Utilización como combustible:
se utiliza como combustible en las calderas generadoras de vapor de agua una vez en las fábricas de café soluble después que se haya hecho el prensado y secado hasta el 8%-15% de humedad.Producción de Biogás:
posee un contenido de y 52% y 62% de metano el cual representa el 98% de la materia seca. Producción de Bioetanol: la borra posee un 33,62% de celulosa en su contenido, por medio de los procesos sacarificación y fermentación simultánea.Producción de Biodiesel:
combustible que se elabora a partir de esterificación de aceites de origen animal y vegetal utilizando metanol o etanol para así reemplazar el combustible diésel y así reducir la contaminación atmosférica que se genera, ya que se genera menos emisiones de gases en el proceso de combustión. En la pulpa del café seca existe un 9% de grasas ya que cualquier tipo de almendras reportaría entre 4% - 17% de aceite. En el caso de la borra fue de un 10% de rendimiento.
Granos imperfectos, almendras partidas y frutos pequeños teniendo en si la misma composición química del grano.
Residuos obtenidos en el proceso de beneficio e industrialización de 1.000g de café cereza.
Bioetanol obtenido por cada millon de sacos de café verde producido.
Capacidad calorica de los principales subproductos del café
Balance energético del bioetenol obtenido de la pulpa y el mucílago del café.
Para concluir la biomasa esta siendo reconocida cada vez mas a nivel mundial muy probablemente en unos años se convierta en una de las fuentes más importantes ya que posee grandes beneficios comparándola con combustibles fósiles como: energía renovable, "inagotable", disponibilidad en todo el mundo, poco corrosiva ante la maquinaria, poco contaminante. Pero a su vez posee algunas desventajas al no darle buen uso ya que puede causar deforestación, y los combustibles líquidos pueden causar lluvias ácidas.
Many countries have the need to increase their energy path, this makes biofuels more researched and thus the desire to produce more. Given that some biofuels (animals, sugar cane, palm oil) are used for human consumption and makes the issue controversial, this is why second-generation biofuels that come from residual biomass or plant species are being investigated more and more, since they are not used for food.
By products and coffee residues create a dangerous source in pollution and environmental problems especially in countries that are coffee growers. Coffee residues and by-products can be used in various ways.
It is the first product obtained in the coffee process. The coffee pulp is a mucilaginous fibrous material and is generated during the processing of coffee by wet process (wet benefit). It represents 43.58% of the weight of the fruit on a wet basis. cool. When the processing of the coffee is done by dry way (dry benefit) only 90 Kilograms are generated.
Biogas production:
made up of 50% to 80% methane gas traces of water vapor, hydrogen hydrogen sulphide, ammonia, carbon monoxide, nitrogen, oxygen, traces of organic particles. Which is caused by the degradation of organic matter anaerobically.
Bioethanol production:
the fermentation of sugary media to achieve the alcoholic degree, the quality is necessary if you want to use alcohol in mixtures with gasoline in vehicles which are conventional.
occurs in the process of demumilating and in wet basis it oscillates in a 14.85% of the weight of the fresh fruit.
Biogas production; it can be said that the energy found in the biogas generated from 1gk of fresh mucilage is 2.00 MJ
Bioethanol production:
an average value of 58.37ml of ethanol obtained from 1kg of fresh mucilage was found.
These byproducts, pulp and mucilage, which could well be called other products of benefit, can be used as an important source of nutrients for plants and animals through easy management and reach of all coffee entrepreneurs, eliminating them its condition as a water pollutant.
other by-products of coffee with excellent fuel properties.
Use as direct fuel: in direct weight the cisco represents 4.2% of the fresh fruit.
It corresponds to the insoluble fraction of the roasted grain, it is a waste that is generated in the soluble coffee factories.
Use as fuel it is used as a fuel in boilers generating water steam once in the soluble coffee factories after the pressing and drying has been done up to 8% -15% humidity.
Production of Biogas:
it has a content of and 52% and 62% of methane which represents 98% of the dry matter. Bioethanol production: the waste contains 33.62% of cellulose in its content, through simultaneous saccharification and fermentation processes.
Production of Biodiesel:
fuel that is made from esterification of animal and vegetable oils using methanol or ethanol to replace diesel fuel and thus reduce the air pollution that is generated, since it generates less emissions of gases in the combustion process. In the pulp of dry coffee there is 9% fat since any type of almonds would produce between 4% - 17% of oil. In the case of the waste it was 10% yield.
It is used for cooking the food and drying the grain to contribute to forest conservation, influencing the hydrological cycle. Production of bioethanol from the fibers of coffee stems possess between 40% -60% cellulose and between 20% -40% hemicellulose.
Imperfect grains, broken almonds and small fruits with the same chemical composition of the grain.
To conclude biomass is being recognized more and more worldwide, it will probably become one of the most important sources in a few years as it has great benefits compared to fossil fuels such as: renewable energy, "inexhaustible", availability worldwide , little corrosive to machinery, low pollution. But at the same time it has some disadvantages when it is not put to good use because it can cause deforestation, and liquid fuels can cause acid rain.
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