The first love:

in #spanish7 years ago

Many people mistakenly always talk about their first love referring to that woman or man who marked his life on the sentimental level forever, through this chapter (No.2) in the book Your Erroneous Zones we learn something that is very true and always overlooked, my first love is myself, I can not get to love someone if I'm not able to love me.
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To value ourselves for what others think is to destroy our self-esteem, is to give control of our emotions to others and become the puppet handled at the whim of a third party.

It is necessary to change the perception regarding the value we have when we make mistakes or when we are wrong or when we are very successful, our assessment is much more than that, they have to do with the way we feel and assume ourselves before some failure or before some triumph, the idea that we are valuable must start from the mere fact that we exist, because we are unique and unrepeatable human beings.

It is necessary to change our way of thinking, of what we are and how much we are worth in stressful situations, it is uprooting from our mind the little value that we give ourselves when, for whatever reason, we feel undervalued.

To think that what we are worth is given by our triumphs and failures becomes the second erroneous zone that takes us away from happiness, before this a change of paradigm in the way of thinking will be enough to begin to eliminate that erroneous zone that does not allow us personal growth
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Change involves time, discipline and perseverance, happiness is a path that is built step by step so the moment to start making happy should be right now, recognizing yourself loving and changing the perception you have of you.


Evita colocar las etiquetas: spanish y cervantes si la publicación está en inglés, no está correctamente categorizada y haces perder el tiempo a la comunidad; los lectores se alejan como la peste cuando el contenido de la publicación no tiene nada que ver con la etiquetas.

Así mismo, no compartes la información sobre los créditos de las imágenes, haciendo pensar al lector que son de tu autoría y eso se llama plagio en nuestra comunidad; además, las imágenes tienen texto en español y no brindas la respectiva traducción de éstas a tus lectores...quienes (se supone) son de habla inglesa.

Por último, el formateo del texto es imprescindible, para dar la comodidad de lectura a quienes te siguen...a trabajar para mejorar..!