Getting Reacquainted With My Lost Self, and the God Within

in #spirituality2 years ago (edited)


Hey, ya’ll. It’s been a minute but I’m back, baby!

If you missed the first post, and don’t know who I am, I suggest you click that link and go get a flavor for what I’m doing here. My intentions run deep, though, and I can’t say there won’t be a lot of changing direction throughout the course of this blog. I think it’s inevitable.

The abridged version is: My name’s Steve, I’m currently homeless, living out of my car, and a year ago I missed out on a crypto project that would have turned $100 of wishing well money into over $160K of fat, smokey returns.

But, to be fair, the gas fees from a single Ethereum transaction would probably have eaten up about half of that.

Here, I talk about my current living situation, spirituality, and things related to blockchain and crypto. Although this one’s gonna be mostly spirituality. If you’re looking for some hot alpha…. I don’t know, check back next week!

But I won’t make promises.

And, hey, I’m not gonna drag this on, cuz I tend to get mushy and emotional. I don’t want you to lose your breakfast. I just want to say thank you, from the bottom of my heart, to every single one of you who read, liked, commented, followed and tipped on that first post. It really did do a major thing for my Spirit, to see all the engagement.

I’m thankful for all of you and what you’ve done for me. The world is better off because you’re here. I hope you know that.

Sorry for the delay in posting. I’ve got some serious personal stuff to hash out. In the end, nothing I’m doing is ultimately about money, or blockchain or writing. Circumstances are just incidental.

There’s a trillion different ways that God can hand you the same test. If you refuse to take it, or fail to find the answer, no biggie. You’re gonna take it again. And again. And again.

Oh don’t you worry, friendo. It’s comin’.

The real test is always internal. The situation may morph around you, until you are in a different simulation, but still, the test is before you. If you don’t change yourself, nothing about your situation is truly going to change. Not in a lasting way, at least.

As someone I recently met said, “Wherever you go, there you are.”

I’ve been riddled with insecurity and low-self confidence since I was really young. I picked up some serious anger and frustration issues, and more recently have dealt with a severe case of OCD. As problems go unresolved, it’s like one stacks on top of another.

I think our consciousness is becoming fragmented, as individuals and en mass. From what I’ve been learning, there is an ancient principle of consciousness, understood by multiple cultures: The idea of a Trinitarian God, and our relation to him through our own minds.

It’s no wonder to me that this seems to be covered up in Christianity. I think there are people in this world who want to keep our consciousness trapped at low-levels. A highly conscious person has the potential to be dangerous.

In ancient Egypt you see Osiris, Isis and Horus, as the Father, Mother and Son. In Christianity though, we get God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit the…. Question mark?

What is the Holy Spirit? She couldn’t possibly be the Mother of Creation could she? As if God created us in his image, but women were just an afterthought? Of course not. God is everything, and that includes a feminine aspect.

Stick with me. I do have a point.

Now what’s really powerful and important about this realization, is that these three aspects of God are mirrored in our own consciousness. We are made in the Creator’s image. We interface directly with the Creator, as God the Father [Thought], the Holy Spirit, or Mother [Emotion], and Jesus Christ, the Divine Child [Action].

These are the three expressions of consciousness common to us all. When the thinking, conscious mind impregnates the subconscious with a thought, she CONCEIVES the idea (see, it’s even hidden in our language), and gives emotion to that thought until it manifests in the real world as the Son, or the actions that we engage in, driven by the thoughts and emotions that we choose to have.

Having full knowledge and control over these aspects of our being is the one of the foundational principles that gives us true power and sovereignty, here on Earth. When enough of us begin to follow this practice of directly forming a relationship with God, through our entire holistic experience, the Creator, through us, will turn this world into a lovely place.

God is with you always. He’s living inside you, right now. And so are the Mother and the Son.

When you interface with God within, that’s you building a relationship. When your actions reflect God’s pure and perfect will-- not necessarily the laws in a book, but the moral laws that make life safe and beneficial for everyone-- that is true worship and service. Some believe they know these rules wholesale. I’m still looking a bit.

But I’d say the golden rule, is definitely a good place to start. Just do unto others as you would have them do unto you. You’re already ahead of the game!

We need to quit externalizing God so much, in my opinion. I do believe he exists beyond us, in this objective world, but he dwells within, also. And when we stop identifying with our own thoughts and feelings and past actions, thinking that those things define us, we then can be free to be “reborn in Christ”.

There’s layers to this, but I think that’s one of them.

I was reborn a little over six years ago. I know this is a real thing. It’s an actual process of conscious assimilation with a higher intelligence, a higher love and a higher you.

It’s where we enter our truest, purest form of consciousness, free from the baggage of past events. Free from the errant thoughts and feelings that we once allowed to control our lives. It’s complete and total freedom, within the confines of a Law that perfectly protects everyone.

I need to remember that I’m already free. I’m pure. I’m whole. I’m perfect, at the highest level of reality.

If you’ve got a living spirit, you’re right there with me.

It would also help to remember, that when you clean yourself, you’re not the dirt that comes off. You’re the person underneath.

Just make sure you wash up from time to time.

Like a big boy.

Thanks for reading. I love you, peeps. Good night.