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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Adjust Rewards Based on Card Level

in #splinterlands2 years ago (edited)

I think it's crap. For example, I use extra sandworm level 1 with slug rule. I think tactical finesse and skill should not be punished. if i am so good that i beat diamond players with my silver deck, i should be rewarded if anything and not punished! let people live the freedom and skill as they want!

i personally won't have any disadvantage from this change. but as a passionate gamer, i don't like the idea of penalizing skills just because you don't want to ban bots. somewhere it's an incentive to climb up despite worse cards and defeat people with better decks

it's hard enough for play to earn games to keep the balance between fair play and pay to win. to destroy it so wantonly is really grandiose!

just ban bots, that would save us a lot!


Agreed.. If I can beat your higher level deck with my lower level deck, why am I being penalized for playing better?

Also funny how they don't want us to play up a league without being penalized but yet it's still ok for Diamond/Champ players to come down and crush Bronze/Silver tournaments on the regular.

Agree with you bro, if they remove bots, lots of problem will be solve.

That wont happen because they top 1% own 90% of the bots...

yes unfortunately I know that too :(