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RE: Newly on board Splinterland and why I invest heavily into this Blockchain game

in #splinterlands2 years ago

Hi @shadowwolf888 Glad you're here with us on hive.

Very similar story for me too :) I started with a pc on 1999 on gaming, added wii and xbox along the way! Now I only play Splinterlands, cause it's so much fun and there are endless new heights you want to reach all the time! P2E games these days are mostly give you lots of promises but balancing a P2E game economy is not easy for game studios. Splinterlands is the real gem!

Keep good stuff coming, you're an experienced gamer so I'm excited to hear your perspectives about the game. !PIZZA


To me, the fun of the game comes first, being able to retain the value of the money you spent in the game is just a bonus but a major big plus. Splinterlands are the only game that I am playing every day now.