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RE: Season End, Hive Hard Fork, & Other Updates

in #splinterlands4 years ago (edited)

@cmplxty you came up with the good suggestion, its an elegant and rather simple way to differentiate a bot from a human. If they think about it, while they want the bots playing to keep the matches readily available, the skill of winning in the season challenge should be relegated to humans (or at least based on a bot that plays as much as the humans would play). So kudos to you for the idea, I haven't seen it anywhere before, but I like the idea (and it should be easy to implement if they agree with the solution).


I often dip to 50% ECR and I always play manually.

I just picked out a number that I thought most would fit in. But it could be set lower of course. The idea I agree with is letting the humans earn the season pack ranking rewards while letting the bots play as much as they want. That differentiation is something that I think could be done easier than other ideas, so where the number is set is of course up for debate and analysis if they ever agreed to go this route.