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RE: Thoughts on the Latest SPS Governance Proposal

One point that doesn't seem to be being addressed by anyone is how this will affect bots. This change will make bots MUCH less attractive. When a ton of bots drop, rewards will go back up (somewhat) so that players not playing maxed cards won't be punished as much as it initially appears (and, of course, players playing maxed cards will make more).

I am definitely voting for this proposal even though my alt plays well above its card level and will (initially, at least) take a bit of a hit.


Keep in mind though, depending on the league you and others play, those bots are crucial parts of the game that keep battles going 24/7. Diamond league doesn’t have many bots, or at least many of the shitty ones any longer, and sometimes I wait 30-45 seconds for a battle where in the past I waited max 10 seconds.

I’m not saying that bots are great however they are needed and important because we don’t have the number of real human players in each league to bring about battles in less than 10 seconds. I remember as a brand new player years ago, I waited 60-90 seconds sometimes for a match and that wasn’t fun at all!

Well maybe it will encourage the bot accounts to simply level those cards up as well too. A lot of players use bots on really good accounts. I assume most people that are running bots will spend the money to level up just to get better rewards as well. Especially if you account for people that use this as a small source of income.

Negative, Ghostrider- this change will effectively, do nothing to the bots. 5BCX cards earn 2x the Rewards? Why would I combine? Botlords will continue to run 5 1BCX accounts in Bronze and Silver instead of 1 Bronze level account, which will continue to push the Bronze Accounts up into Gold.
The only thing this proposal will do is, effectively, 'cast in stone' the current state of the meta- Novice accounts soaking up all the Rewards in Bronze and Silver, Bronze accounts soaking up all the Rewards in Gold, with Silver and Gold level accounts stuck in the upper levels of Gold League and trying to eke out an existence from the scraps left over after the Bronze accounts have pulled out their share.