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RE: Permanent Twitter Suspension?! What does that Even Mean?

in #splinterlands4 years ago

Yep, its the same one... ridiculous that they have this in that page:

Platform manipulation and spam: You may not use Twitter’s services in a manner intended to artificially amplify or suppress information or engage in behavior that manipulates or disrupts people’s experience on Twitter. Learn more.

And this one is like... the biggest joke of the ecosystem of twitter in one phrase! LOL There are SOOOO many posts doing this that is crazy to see this rule and not effective following of the rule LOL...

Synthetic and manipulated media: You may not deceptively share synthetic or manipulated media that are likely to cause harm. In addition, we may label Tweets containing synthetic and manipulated media to help people understand their authenticity and to provide additional context. Learn more.

Either way, twitter is just being that annoyingly manipulator. They have their own strategy, but we are too many, and they can't block everyone otherwise they are killing themselves, so, I would say, the strategy would be to just find ways to adapt to their idiocrasy rules and show them they are the ones that should change/adapt.