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RE: Game Economy & Reward Updates

in #splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

i'm fine with these changes but the rental prices at the end of season are crazy. bring back highest rank achieved and it's all good. you say it has nothing to do with a player being old or new, but so far everything really favors old players. yes I know it's not a free to play game. I've bought DEC, and i've bought cards. all those cards will get me nowhere near the 100k power I need to the season rewards for my current rating. and I bet all those people who have the cards for that will raise their prices ridiculously high come last day of the season. so yeah, it has nothing to do with a player being old or new..

how about season rewards = highest rank achieved. daily quests = current rank? at least us new players can start saving up on assets because of season rewards, and we'll have incentive to not stay in bronze


the "highest rank achieved" system was massively exploitable with multiple accounts, in multiple ways (some more obvious that others) and with lowered cooldowns, it would be even easier to exploit it. I think the current system could be greatly improved, but the old system allowed for such extreme abuse that it simply had to be fixed. The end of season rentals are much higher now, but the mid-season rentals are much lower - take advantage of that.

while that's true, owners just cancel rentals before the end of the season so power is lost, and rank drops down massively. I'm all for removing exploits and fixing things that can be abused, and hopefully, that includes owners jacking up rent prices. that in itself is abuse too.

that's just renters following market demand, it isn't really abuse any more than someone paying a lot is abuse to the people that wanted to pay less. Owners cant set parameters for how long you're allowed to rent something at dirt cheap mid-season pricing, so they might have only wanted to let you use it for that one day, and they could cancel for any number of reasons (including wanting the CP themselves)

I recommend renting just after the 24hr marks on season timer, so that rentals arent dropping an hour before season end, you will have more notice and be in the best position to react to any cancellations. Until improvements are made to make this easier, people have to compete for the best rental strategies as much as they compete for the best battle strategies. Knowing the CP values of various cards may help a lot in that regard.

by the way, appreciate the feedback guys. thanks for being constructive. this is more of me just ranting because I don't have enough power nor the dec to rent hahaha. I'm still in this for the long haul. this is what I like about the hive community. most everybody's trying to help in their own ways. sorry for the rant.