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RE: Market Listing Fees & Expiration

in #splinterlands2 years ago

No. It's for the renters. If you want to list a card in the market, and that rental card was not rented by anyone for 30 days, they will pull it back to the one who rent and don't list it. If someone rented it, then the card either fulfilled the condition or either the renter or the owner cancelled it and/or changed the price, the card will be listed again for 30 days so they will take another 1 DEC for the listing.

For easier undersstanding, I'll make a situation.

  1. I am an owner of Gargoya Lion. I get my Gargoya Lion and placed it for rent for 2 DEC/day.
  2. For the listing, so they could list them on the market, I have to pay 1 DEC for them to list them for 30 days.
  3. After 30 days, the no one wants to rent a Gargoya Lion for 2 DEC. It will be cancelled on the rental market.
  4. If I want to change the price or if I want to have my Gargoya Lion be rented again, I need to pay another 1 DEC.

There's no effect on the people who rented my cards. If the Gargoya Lion is listed for 2 DEC, you still pay 2 DEC per day. If you rented it for 60 or 300 days or however long you want, as long as I don't or you don't cancel the rental, you can still rent it for 60 days or 300 days or however long you rented it for.

This change is only for the ones renting their extra cards for other people.