relinquish moderated rewards in splinterlands

in #splinterlands3 years ago

I'm wondering about rewards here does this look right to anybody can I get a comment from somebody that knows
cuz I don't know shit

does it have anything to do with your collection power
on how much you get just seems like I get a lot of people that get more than me when like look at my stats here pretty good even if I have like 60% win streak and like nearly like you know a hundred energy capture rate I still get squiggled
like this I just don't think it's right I think that I'm like limited or either how do you say the right word moderation you know what I mean I mean hey I'm not seemingly getting my rewards I should be getting I don't think though I mean does it have anything to do with your your collection power because I only have about 54,000 on the average including rentals
another thing on the SPs airdrop I have around 54,000 power and most the time and they only give me $30,000 something on my collection power is that supposed to be like that that's about how much I actually own but I mean I thought if I rented cards I should be getting the things too should be getting airdrop points for cards I rented I'll have $200,000 power sometimes and I don't get none of that of my rental s*** I just get no SPS compared to how much I think I'm supposed to get is that supposed to be that way I would like some comments if anybody gots some I know I'm a jackass
I know I'm hot headed I know I talk s*** but if you know anything cuz I don't know nothing
I just play slenderlands
I mean I live in splinterlands I can't help it it's a nice violent place for me as you see below the same battle


I don't really sucks when I'm getting as much as like you know this guy right here as you see below I mean is it because you got some way better collection power than me cuz I don't know but he's a bot right when you say or he plays more splinterlands than me I don't think so I don't think he plays at all at all not at all never


take this time to dedicate some silence to the people with the most respect to throw the Chicken Guy like my friend here below give it up to the chicken throwing
give me that slime ball and I'll put you on my post it's a respect thing they know they can't beat me and they're scared or it's a little kid who got their phone
or whatever and there it is that slimeball card again





and then there's this guy this nervous p**** Helen cheapskate guy who usually probably gets everybody but not me as seen below this greasy slime ball right here


and so this is what this little greasy p**** slime ball throws at me this is not the respectful one this is the p**** one


okay so I edited for content he had two other three other guys on the board in the first round that I killed right away but I'm still calling mcgreasy slimeball okay so when they told me that greasy slime ball that freaking llama and crown b******* I put the candle right under his ass


well I guess as it turns out this greasy slime ball beat me on that blast match I mix it up and I'm not taking them out so the blast match I lost on that look nice for seconds there I think I lost I remember losing on the blast match it makes sense why I lost but the rest of the match you can see it below of the real match I meant to put on there that I mixed up with the blast match that I'm not taking out this post cuz it's almost 3:00 in the morning and I can barely hold my splinterballs open


and that's when this s*** starts to happen like so as I'm lighting them up

well I'm all out of candles so this time I put popsicle up his ass



and then what happens every time they throw me that greasy slime ball that guy I show him how it should be instead of how it usually would be when it's somebody else is playing them supposedly they can't beat him but I don't let him beat me take that candle to the kettle flame that pot



now I take this time that we all should pretend we're bowing our heads and praying for our enemy and wonderlands and dedicated to their next loss they friendly foe five FIFA from splinterlands love @pasture
