Share Your Battle Challenge - Pirate Captain

in #splinterlands3 years ago


Hi, welcome to my second post about the splinterlands card named: Pirate Captain. In this article, I will discuss the lunge of this card in battle. I also included this article in the SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge!

Let's begin
Before we discuss the battle of the pirate captain, we should know the characteristics of this card.

The Pirate Captain is a water-type card, which appears frequently in the alpha and beta card series. The alpha card series was the first to be produced and sold in May 2018. Only 300,000 booster packs were produced at the time. The Beta series was then relaunched with up to 900,000 booster packs. Where some of the designs from the alpha card series are improved in the beta series

That's why the alpha and beta series seem so similar.

If you want to get a pirate captain card, you can get it in the market in the game or at There is an advantage if you buy at MonsterMarket because they share 60% of the revenue directly with you. In other words, you will get cashback when buying a card.





Well, if you pay attention, there is also a gold series of pirate captain cards. You can see the statistical differences at the bottom of each image. The gold card series has a higher price because the collection power is also large. So if you need a spike in collectible power to move up to a higher league, buy the gold card.

For the most complete information, you can visit MonsterMarket and immediately see all the best prices for this card.


The Pirate Captain card can snipe as well as inspire. With 3 points, this card can be used in any battle that uses water-type monsters.



The quantity of mana points available in this duel is restricted to 34. Water monsters, fire monsters, and earth monsters are examples of creatures that can be deployed.


Heavy Hitters (all monsters have the power to knock out) and close-range are two further rules (ranged attacks may be used in the first position in battles).

I don't utilize the pirate captain in this battle, but I will show how difficult it is to face a pirate captain card at level 4.

My lineup consisted of fire kinds, whilst the opponent lineup consisted of water types.


I'll leave some screenshots of the battle, which you can watch in its entirety here:









In this battle, increasing the level to level 4 has made the pirate captain even tougher. His ranged attack value has increased. With a single attack of 2 damage values, they are able to break down the enemy in the middle position.

I'm having a hard time dealing with this snipe monster. The pirate captain was able to knock out several troops on my deck. With the close-ranged rule, archers can still attack even in the lead position.

The placement of the pirate captain by the opponent is also suitable and is free from monster attacks that have sneak abilities.

Is the Pirate Captain effective in combat?
This starter card is good in water-type battles and doesn't cost a lot of mana. This card may rapidly fill up the gaps in the combat lineup because it only costs three mana points. The pirate captain is your best chance for an attacker with sharpshooter ability in water-type warfare.

This is something I said in my earlier encounter with the Pirate Captain. In this battle, the opponent saw how successful the pirate captain was at destroying my cards. When it reaches level 6, it will be even more savage since it will have a new power called inspire.

That concludes my discussion on the Pirate Captain. Thank you for sticking with the article to the end. Have a good day & keep striving for the top spots in the rankings.

🍃 Much appreciated. Terima kasih banyak. Muchas gracias. 🍃

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  2. Creating an Uchiwa Fan with a Splinterlands Theme

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Great details and formatting! This is one of the neatest post I've read in a long while :)
Pirate Captain's Inspire could be really good. Too bad it's on Level 6, so it can't happen on my Silver League qualification.

Thank you for your kind words.
You may also hire cards for pirate captain level 6 if you don't have any. The summoner, on the other hand, must be of high rank. I'm still in the silver league, and I'm hoping to get to the point where I can play the pirate captain at the highest level soon.

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