For my line up in this battle:
- Cursed Windeku
- Silent Sha-vi
- Dhampir Stalker
- Mantoid
- Xenith Archer
Versus my enemy's line up:
- Regal Peryton
- Mycelic Slipspawn
- Goblin Psychic
- Doctor Blight
- Khmer Princess
It is Earth Summoner versus Death Summoner. Looking at their abilities, they are just countered. My summoner abilities intended for the opponent. This means I do not have to consider much what cards to use. It is more flexible unlike the Earth Summoner that increases one magic attack on its allies. That is why we can notice that most of my opponent's cards are magic attack. My opponent tried to maximize this ability.
If you will notice my line up, most of them have range attack. I have talked about this during my previous battles and do not advice this. Because it can be a disaster once you run out of melee or magic attack cards. I just took a risk in this battle hoping that it will work. For my front line, I put the Cursed Windeku because of its 9 health. It does not have a shield but it has a thorns ability that can deal damage back to the opponent with melee attack. But that will be useless in this match since my opponent's cards are all magic attack. It looks like my Cursed Windeku has been countered. For my second position, the Silent Sha-vi, will be responsible for the back line of my opponent. The rest of the cards are in range attacks which needs to be in the last position. That is why this is the only and best position for Silent Sha-vi.
After the Round 1, there is still no casualties. My cards and also my opponent's cards are still alive. The abilities of my summoner were also countered. I though I had the good choice of summoner because it can reduced magic attacks. However the earth summoner countered it by increasing the magic attack of my opponent's cards. So it looks like nothing happened.
After Round 2, Cursed Windeku has been taken down. But we were able to take down the Mycelic Slipspawn and the healer of my opponent. The main problems were all down at round 2. I can say that my range attack cards are safe because my opponent does not have a sneak ability.
I thought it will be a long fight, but no. We were able to finish the battle in just three rounds.
Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?
I'm glad that my strategy worked because it was a big risk to use several range attack cards. I guess I have to reduce my range attack next time and change it with melee attack card that has sneak ability. This is to attack the backline of my opponent while some of my cards are dealing with the front line.
Do you like CURSED WINDEKU? Why or why not?
I like the ability of the Cursed Windeku. I have tried it on different battles, the thorns ability is really good. It can be a great tank for battles. However, it did not work in this type of battle. Because my opponent's cards are all magic attack.
Battle Link:
Thanks for sharing! - @marianaemilia

Good battle, thanks for sharing!!!