For my line up in this battle:
- Chaos Agent
- Unicorn Mustang
- Khmer Princess
- Goblin Psychic
- Regal Peryton
Versus my enemy's line up:
- Living Lava
- Spark Pixies
- Serpentine Spy
- Teynii Striker
- Lava Spider
It's Fire Summoner versus Earth Summoner. Both consumes four mana, while in the abilities the Fire Summoner has an advantage. It provides additional one life and one attack. While for the Earth Summoner it only provides additional one magic attack. That is why I chose most of my cards with magic attack to maximize the ability of Obsidian.
I put the Chaos Agent as my first frontline as a bait for my opponent. My purpose of this is to waste its one attack. On my second position is the Unicorn Mustang. It is in the second position right now, but once the Chaos Agent has done its mission. The Unicorn Mustang will be my next frontline. It is good for making it as a tank. On the third position is the Khmer Princess. I put it in this position because of it low health. I was hoping that it was in a good position but the problem is my opponent's card has sneak ability. My Khmer Princess will be not safe in this case. For my fourth position is the Goblin Psychic. Same with Khmer Princess I put them in between to protect them. Goblin Psychic needs to survive to provide sustain on my tank. But that will be a great challenge because of the sneak ability. For my last position, the Regal Peryton. I decided to put it in this position because it has six health. It can not be taken down easily by the cards with sneak ability.
After the Round 1, my Khmer Princess was already taken down. Goblin Psychic is also in danger in Round 2. The Teynii Striker and Serpentine Spy of my opponent are huge problem. We need to take them down immediately. At this point, it looks like my opponent is winning.
After Round 2 our healer, Goblin Psychic, was taken down. But the new frontline of my opponent is a range attack so it can be taken down easily. Then we have to deal with the Serpentine Spy next which looks easy to beat.
After the Round 3, my cards are all low health. While my opponent's card still have 12 health in total. This looks scary for my cards. My opponent needs to miss an attack in order for me to survive this round.
My opponent did not miss an attack and my frontline has been taken down. I'm only left with my Regal Peryton that has one life left remaining. I started to worry at this round because my opponent is close to victory.
Luckily I was the first one to attack at Round 5. Taking down the Teynii Striker and at this point we know that the Lava Spider with range attack cannot deal damage when it is at the frontline. This means my Regal Peryton can freely attack and take it down easily.
That was an epic comeback I must say. I really thought that I will loose at Round 5. But I am thankful for my Regal Peryton because it did a huge effort and nice battle. Bringing us to a Victory!
Did my strategy work? Well I was surprised that it worked in this match because it was a close fight. I almost lost the battle, but thanks to my Regal Peryton. That is why it is the Spotlight card for this battle.
Battle Link:
Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121