
Honestly - I have been enjoying all aspects of it...

#GamifyYourLife lol

Well, hey... that's good! And sorry to reduce your entire huge, detailed post to that vague FUD comment. It's just me. I'm stressed and super behind on some projects at work, so I get angry with myself when I spend too much of my brain power thinking about the drama surrounding this game.

I'm glad they're taking some steps to curb the exploitations and make things better. Maybe they're not doing it as well or as fast as I'd want in a perfect world, but at least they're trying. That's actually more than you can say about Splinterlands in a lot of ways.

Thanks for taking the time to make these posts! Maybe I'll come back to the game in a bit.


It's all good buddy, I totally understand how work can stress someone out :)

I appreciate you and hopefully these measures solve some of the longstanding issues!